We are super young. Of our main contributors 3 are rookies, one is a second year player, two are 3rd year players (if you count Randle as a 3rd year) and one is a 4th year.
Luke bears some responsibility for our failures thus far this season. I'd definitely chalk up a handful of our losses to his substitutions which have really sucked at times. But . . . he's young and our roster is young. It's an unenviable position really. He had us playing some great D for much of the early part of the season. We got hit with the injury bug and now we've been sucking. There's no reason to fire him right now. Next year? That might be another matter. Depends on who is here and what is expected in terms of production.
Exactly. Luke has made his share of mistakes, but a roster full of rookies and young players isn’t going to look too good. As far as I’m concerned, I’m not at all convinced Luke won’t figure things out. I just doubt he does it this year. We need better vets and more experience.
I would actually be interested to see what the market is if we would leave no stone untouched ... just curious.
mike brown did a good job in cleveland, too. he's a good assistant, though, really. the real questions for those that s*** on luke are: 1. we're finding fault for him leading a great team during a 24-game win streak? 2. we think another coach would lead this team to more wins? which coach? can we get that guy? would a coach with that potential take this job right now? don't be lavar ball.
no, my pt is using that 24 gm streak to suggest hes a good coach, luke hasnt proven anything, N no brown didnt do a gob job in Clev, Lebron did....you saw how brown 2nd stint in clev went w/o lebron?
i guess my point is that the argument isn't about him being a good coach, it's about whether or not he's a bad coach who's holding the team/organization back. nothing on his resume suggests that. and we can use luke's talented roster against him and brown's untalented roster against him. ok. at this point, your argument has to simply be that coaching doesn't matter much. i generally agree. there's a handful of coaches who are really good, a handful that are really bad, and the rest are interchangeable. i don't think luke falls in either extreme, so i'm MUCH more concerned with our terrible roster.
Amazing how a lot of the good/great coaches around the NBA seems to think that Luke is an amazing, promising young coach. But some Lakers fan are so quick to fire him.
You're right. It's a tight fraternity. But coaches also know how important it is to be able to lean on veterans out there. Who can Luke lean on? Lopez? He's a dinosaur that barely plays anymore. KCP? He's like 25 and in and out of prison. We haven't had an above average veteran on our team since the Kobe/Nash/Gasol/Dwight fiasco.
Time will tell if luke is bad/good but all these reasoning could still be present next yr, such as this lack of leadership vets, lack of talent, etc. If luke needs a team like gsw to prove hes a good coach, we're F'd
We're just asking for something in between, preferably closer to the GSW end as possible. This Lakers team and GSW's team are pretty far apart on the talent/veteran leadership scale.
As has been stated before, Luke is the guy most of us wanted. Yes, there were other promising candidates out there that I liked, but I was fine with Luke. I don't think any of the names we were rattling off would be that much better with this roster. We knew he was young and inexperienced when we brought him in. Now he's experiencing some of the growing pains of a young coach amplified by a ton because he's coaching the Lakers. It's just too early to call it quits on him especially when we're all pretty certain some of the things he's doing is directly tied to the front office. I'm not yet convinced he can't figure things out especially if we give him a good overall roster. If we're going to be patient with Magic, patient with the players, etc we need to be a bit patient with our coach too IMO
So does Luke get credit for instituting an actual defensive system that seems to work despite most of our players being viewed as defensive liabilities by scouts coming into the league? One quality veteran on this team probably gives us 5-6 more wins.
He did get credit when season started but Vash posted dec defensive stats, its close to last n they're no longer top 10 anymore....