amir johnson has been a stats darling for years now, but nobody wants to commit to him long-term. what's that about? also, why is philly hoarding future space? nobody has wanted to sign there in eons. if they could have gotten redick and johnson to sign for three years at lower annual salaries, they should have. they'd still have a max slot in case someone was crazy enough to play there. *lol, watch them outdo the lakers in FA next year...
I agree about Johnson, but I'm not at all sure on Redick. He's old, and at some point his shooting cannot compensate for his efense. See what I did there? Fultz/McConnell/Bayless Redick/Henderson/Stauskas/Anderson Covington/Simmons/Luwawu Saric/Johnson/Long Holmes/Okafor/Embiid If Simmons plays anywhere close to what he's capable of doing, that team easily makes the playoffs in the East, earns a bunch of revenue, gives young guys time to grow, and is in great shape for the 2018-19 season. And that's not even mentioning if Embiid stays healthy. This is an exciting team.
I've heard (and I don't watch Boston so I don't know) that Amir Johnson's ankles and legs are falling apart. I think most FAs and frankly probably Philly too are afraid their core is a sham. If Embiid falls apart and if Simmons hurts his foot again, they're looking at a core of Fultz/Okafor. Yikes.
Except ours don't have the injury history that Embid does. An injury for him isn't even likely it's inevitable.
Yeah I mean clearly Embiid is a massive risk despite his potential. Simmons seems more like they were purposely tanking so why push it, but still it's not like that is a stable situation just yet. Bright future, but that window could close as soon as Embiid's foot falls off.
Embid missed two entire seasons and couldn't make half of his third. Randle missed one year and the last two has mostly been active and in the lineup. Really not debatable they have more injury concerns.