Funny how we all like Hill, think he has talent and value, but it seems like none of us want to keep him the way we do Randle and Young.
I would love to keep him but if we can get a first round draft pick or a good prospect player I'd do it.
Yes eerie, having an amiable, hard working player who has improved his shot and changed his private life (no longer drinking so much?) and fulfills a need we have who most people seem to have no problems moving (myself included). We usually want to trade the trash. Randle is an exciting prospect who is on a rookie contract. I really enjoy what I saw in the preseason. I don't want him to be some other teams lucky trade. Young hopefully will get over this slump (personal issues?- we all have them.) And is a key scoring piece for the bench. (He loves L.A and likes the star 6th man role) Hill is good, but not so good he can't be replaced. He is not a good enough true center and Randle, Black, Davis etc do a lot of what he does at PF his real position. Hill has a value, and for that reason getting something like a Stevenson back or a 1st round draft pick is tempting. He is seen as a limited defender/shot blocker but we need to test the market. I don't think Lin is coming back to L.A and Linsanity is as relevant as MC Hammer now (sorry Hammer), so we wont get a lot for him on the market. Anyway his shot was back today and he certainly has been a valuable Laker in a very unsettled tenure. I will miss him just like Ariza and Odom. Mitch man those phones! ( or whoever is helping out during his bereavement).
It's not that I don't want to keep him. If we "have" to keep him at the end of the year I'd be perfectly happy with it. I just feel like he's our only asset to get better. I can see us winning it all with Jordan on the team, but I can see us winning it all faster if we move him for more assets. Cheaper assets. Not to mention I'm really loving what I'm seeing with Tarik Black. He doesn't have a money jump-shot, but he's got that motor and that fire still. If we can get a 1st for Jordan that gives us a whole bench for under 10 million dollars which frees up a lot of cash to get someone more impactful this summer. Black, Kelly, Sacre, Clarkson, and Young. That's a hell of a start off the bench. Throw in Ellington if he stays, Price and Boozer I'd bring back for the right price. I'd love to keep Ed Davis, but I think he'll find a bigger deal somewhere else.
Although for talent and value he's great, his ceiling is low. Yes, he does a lot of intangibles that most bigs don't do, but he's not a game changing player. He's a role player, and at his position, C, he's a great backup, but not a starter. You either need someone who's going to get you high percentage buckets on a consistent basis, or protect the rim and anchor the defense night in night out. And even though Jordan does those some of those things, he doesn't really particularly excel in any one area with exception to offensive boards. Guys like Randle/Black are young, and seem to have a higher ceiling than Jordan does in terms of impact. They're also rookies on rookie contracts, which plays well with the cap.
Good post. GM's don't usually go after a need; they go after the skill-set in particular. I want to trade him for a first round pick. Is that feasible? I'm not so sure. Ideally, I'd love for us to keep our pick this year & S/T Hill/Houston 1st round pick and fill another need on this team.
Hill can fetch something for $9M. Young is cheaper and Randle is cheaper still. We also have other bigs who can play effectively, so it's an easy choice for me.
It's already been said, but I'll repeat it. Hill is our only asset, he's playing the best he ever has, he's stayed healthy all season, and he makes 9 mil so that could get us more players or a better player. I like him a lot, but that ceiling is what it is, he's not getting better, at least not much better, and that's not good enough IMO for a 9 mil piece on a title team. We need to use him for this rebuild if we can. Randle has higher potential at much cheaper for a few years, and I do not trade a guy with Young's skills on that contract. It's not worth it for what you'd get back.
We need to move Hill taking little to no cap space back. We need to keep 2015 for the possibility of signing one of those big name free agents. If that wasn't the case, I'm sure the Lakers would have danged Hill/Hou 1st for Lance. Ideally, we can snag a mid-range 1st rounder. Most likely, we take the wait and see approach. If one of those big name commits, we let go of his team option and hopefully he takes a lower, restructured, offer. If not, he walks.
Hell no man. I'm not giving up that pick for Lance. The Hornets don't even want him. It wouldn't take a first to get him at this point.
Kind of an odd post, but what are some realistic and plausible trades we can do with j hill? What teams would want him? What players could we get?
Serena Winters @SerenaWinters ยท 51m 51 minutes ago Jordan Hill: "This is not a bad team at all, we just have to continue to learn how to play w/ each other." (on TWC) 43 games in and we still have to learn to play with each other? Interesting.
^ Injuries, lineup changes, Kobe every few games, inconsistent guys like Lin and Young being staples... I don't know. I kind of agree with him that their record is worse than they are. They lose a lot of games that they're relatively close in. Still though, half way through the year I think it's safe to say they're a bad team.
I don't agree with Hill or that premise through things that have culminated since the beginning of the's all good, though. At this point, losing is in our best interest, IMO.
All I'm saying is that they're better than their record. A lot of times they lose games because of one lousy quarter, but play really well through the rest of the game. I'm also seeing positive signs defensively compared to what they were doing earlier this season. They still stink though and that pick is looking like we've got a pretty decent shot at it.