This is why Zu is always so happy. She seems a good support system honestly. Zu does seem to always have that grin thing going on with the corner of his mouth. Has got the world by the balls right now .... livin' the dream.
Everyone calls our scouting department great, how about her? She doesn't have to work another day in her life, lives in LA, etc...
And he gets the other -13 points back from her later. For looking out for her and trying not to make her look short. Not that she looks short with those legs ..... .
He's talking about his increasing body fat %. Look at him! He's like the pilsbury dough boy. He needs to run twice a day
Jeezus kid mix in some bench presses.... pushups .... anything. Why are you still so skinny in the upper body after a year in the Lakers organization with access to s.o.t.a. equipment and training? Yeah I know we don't want too much up top, more about the legs. But still at that age seems like by now he should be looking a little bigger? Where's realdeal to tell me to calm the hell down. Am on edge with this both Wests to the Clippers bombshell.
Calm the hell down LT! I think actually what you're seeing is a bit of progress. Keep two things in mind: he's a baby and he was overweight when he got here. What I see there is a kid who lost weight since the last time he saw a basketball court. I also see a kid with a metabolism that is still catching up. The reason you're looking at this with such a negative eye is that Julius Randle has tremendous genes and is a different sort of athlete. He's also flexing so he can impress the cameras. Zubac is younger, not as explosive, and not even paying attention to the camera. I see progress and sure it'd be nice if he had shredded abs and looked like Drago from Rocky IV, but what I'm seeing is a young man in better shape than he was a couple months ago.
OK I guess. Just seems like even relaxed his pecs should look a little bigger ... more firm homo by now. Not that hard with even lots of pushups or lighter reps with bench to show something? Not expecting anything like Julius looks now. I don't even believe Julius looking like that almost freakishly especially with the back pic.
Where? What? From that photo. Arms look same or maybe a little bigger? Chest looks like it? I mean logic says yeah he has to be getting leaner and stronger since he's in the gym top of the list. Just seems with that much work a guy with his big frame would show more. Not being trollish here. Not my thing and he's one of my guys.