Hill is expendable. He almost got traded to Brooklyn last year; if Brooklyn's throws in a 2nd round pick in that deal, Hill is in New York right now. As it stands, he's probably our most valuable asset; I hope we snag a 1st for him...
- Cleveland and Gilbert have no love for the Lakers Cachooka. I think Hill is the only really desirable piece we have right now (that I would part with i.e we keep Randle, Swaggy, Kelly etc). I tried to get a deal on the NBA trade machine but it kept kicking my butt. I could get trades, but not realistic ones which would occur (philly taking Nash etc and giving us Moute) I personally feel Lin is not good enough to be a star, and not bad enough to be cheap. I would get rid of him as he is this horrible middle ground. So personally I think if we could get rid of both then let's do it. But only if we get something better. Cleveland need a center. We are not winning this year. They are more desperate to improve. So let's get parity or even a slightly sweeter deal. If we can't get the best of a deal with the Cavs or the others then we stand pat. I think the Hill pay day is enough to thank him for putting up with the MDA years. I like Hill and don't mind Lin, but feel Lin others nothing other than being quite a good bench player). Maybe the Suns and their legion of cool p.g's soured me on him, but I just came to this realisation. Lin needs to go if there is any value for him.
We got to shift Hill and Lin for a good young player, a SF. these guys have great skills, better than bench players, but not good enough for playoff starters. play Black and Clarkson to gain experience. sign another 1 and half all stars this summer. hopefully it will translate to good play next season.
Alex Kennedy theorized the Lakers might decide to move Davis because he's cheap and young and won't be available for that price next season. I think he's wrong. I think Hill gives more value and then we try to bring Davis back for a discounted-but-still-respectable deal. Hill should net us a 1st from a playoff team in need of size. If not a 1st, I don't want to move him. He's got a team option next season. We can opt in on that and he becomes an expiring contract in the summer AND a nice Center for 9 million dollars (comparable players make a little more at his position).
I agree. Getting Hill of the books makes room for a sweeter Davis deal. Hill has been good, but his rebounding seems off, and he is never going to be the shooter he wants to be, so he is replaceable, even if we do not quite get his quality.
Hill is a most def a hot commodity. Trade him while the value is high. I like him... but those jumpshots and his reluctance to get closer to the basket is sickening. He's gone all dan toni on us.
if you can get a first or a young player with some upside on a rookie deal without taking on salary past this year, you do it. now.
Mike Trudell @LakersReporter · 9m 9 minutes ago Byron Scott said he thinks Jordan Hill hyperextended his knee. He went out late in the game and went to the locker room w/Gary Vitti. He could officially be traded on 1/15/15 and he gets injured 2 days before that; just our luck the last 2 or so seasons...
Mike Trudell @LakersReporter · 4m 4 minutes ago Scott didn't reveal who would start for Hill if he's forced to miss time. Could be Ryan Kelly at the 4 w/Davis or Tarik Black at the 5.
Mike Trudell ✔ @LakersReporter Jordan Hill's injury is a left knee hyperextension; whether or not he gets an MRI will depend how he feels tomorrow morning.
his value is going down. trade him ASAP. with Black we have a new fighting big guy, Jordan Hill is not a starting center. at his best is like Nene, just not consistent.
Looked alright. If it's just a hyper extension he should wear a compression brace and get back out there. I don't know when, but sometime during the season he just stopped boarding as hard as he used to. He used to look like Tarik Black out there. Now he looks more offensive minded.
as a Jordan Hill fantasy owner, I noticed his drop in production coincided with the insertion of Davis in the starting lineup
I like the more defensive and rebounding minded Hill we saw when he first got here. Now he's more focused on getting his shots.
I like what I've seen so far from Tarik Black, I think it's time to move Jordan Hill while his value is high, and start developing Tarik. Get draft picks, assets, whatever. Hill would be an excellent backup C on a contending team.