Just referring to some guys hands down too long until something starts to happen right in front of them and then it's too late. Too much of the time. You can see the good habits built into Ingram and Nance. Not literally up all the time. Didn't realize Zu also had extra long arms. Can't hurt.
I'm glad you wrote this. There are things you can do to improve muscle memory and sort of hard wire some reactions, but that comes through reps and reps and reps (done the right way). There's not really, as far as I know, any way to make us much quicker overall. Then again, I think Zu is in a really good place for his age. He's huge, he has some nifty moves, and he seems dedicated to working on those things in game situations. He's going to continue to improve in all the ways he can.
zu doesn't need to be quick, imo. bigs have been successful without being quick for a long time. you must make up for it with hoop iq, though. tim duncan wasn't quick at all.
That's very true. I was just curious if anyone knew of any excersises that would make him quicker since that was one of the only problems I could see with his game. That being said, he does seem to really have a good feel for the game so I expect it's not going to be a real problem for him.
Well I could be full of s*** wouldn't be the first time but I'm not talking about faster or more athletic. Whatever fast twitch muscle setup he has or top end in that area .... they're still muscles. And to me logic says with all high tech resistance, and core and sand or other cutting edge exercises being used now to improve the muscles you react and move with fast as possible, that using that kind of training would make someone "quicker" than if he or she just went out and played basketball with the team or on your own really hard every day. Or why do them? Can't be just to keep from getting bored and looking for new ways to do cardio? Of course things like polishing his footwork and improving all that muscle memory as you say would make you quicker too.
You can't change the distribution of fast, slow twitch fibers you have though. You can get faster at movement as you train them. I just think that there's little carryover to "general" quickness.
I was editing in my last sentence while you replied. Still think that say a stronger leg muscle that propels you sideways in a defensive movement would move you more quickly than a weaker one trying to do the same. And I subscribe to sirron's statement as well. Just do it. Run a little faster on that following the fast break to clean up any misses at the rim as Moz and Black and Robinson do very well at times. As he gets in better and better NBA condition. He seems to have only one gear right now, but of course I'm confident he will improve in these areas.
Well sure, but the improvement at that peak level of athleticism would almost be negligible honestly. And the point still comes down to him just getting older and training in general. He said he didn't lift any weights before coming to America. As he learns to lift and train, he'll improve. I don't think he'll ever improve to a great degree though in the same way that no matter what Zubac did working out he'll never jump like Larry Nance Jr. Better to focus on things that improving can help tremendously. A lot of that is just general muscle stamina. Being able to play for 20-30 minutes without a significant decrease in strength and energy. We don't have anyone on the team right now that can give us that honestly. Clarkson and Ingram might be the closest in terms of giving the same general effort at all times, but not Zubac, Nick Young, Luol Deng, and definitely not Randle and Russell.
"He said he didn't lift any weights before coming to America. As he learns to lift and train, he'll improve." Exactly. This is why I expect it. And really not joking about less time traveling and playing with the hot 5 years older GF this year. He didn't really get back from Europe with her and into the Lakers facility until about a month before camp opened. I would hope he'll work harder this coming off season. Depends on how bad he wants to be the next good, not even saying great at this point, Lakers big man.
You want quickness yo do this, frankly I'm disappointed nobody here knew this universal technique or training
I just giggle every time I remind myself that's he only 19 years old. We're very lucky to have drafted this big fella
Yes! When he gets in against guys his size with the varsity team though .... he looks like he needs to get better quick and quicker to do better. I'd be happy if he could get at least 4 or 5 minutes somehow against Gasol tonight just so he has a point of reference up close and personal.