KD vs. Westbrook - Round 1. KD - 29 pts. 6 3ptrs... in the first half. Russ is just forcing everything out there right now.
Tuned in the third...Dubs up by 25+ and cruising. Webber talked of how Westbrook has to everything for OKC with a lack of a complimentary go to player. Besides Oladipo, who else can they rely on?
Unless something disastrous happens...rubber match in The Finals. Possibly Chicago and San Antonio might have a chance.
I know its early and a lot of things can happen, but how can you not love Draymond's attitude. This was just a snipit of his comments last night of wanting CLE again in the Finals and he did say that the process of getting to the Finals needs to happen first but if they do: I hope you do too, Draymond
he's who i wanted before i knew luke was available. even then, i probably would have put them as even in terms of my excitement level. he's doing a lot with very little there.
I'm watching New Orleans vs Phoenix right now (don't ask me why), and Devin Booker is going off. He's hit multiple clutch shots, and they are heading into overtime now and he has 35 pts on 12/21 shooting. This kid is a stud and would be the perfect SG for the Lakers going forward.
I laughed very hard on the last "defense" by the Pels up 1 in OT ... among one of the worst defenses I've ever seen in the clutch
think davis is on board with a tank? because the pelicans didn't seem to try very hard to improve over the summer, and they're freaking terrible.
i think hes gonna continue to get more and more restless...i still wonder why he signed that extension...i mean i get the huge $$$ but did he really think the pelicans were his shot to winning games?
Didn't he sign that extension the offseason after they narrowly made the playoffs? They've been downhill since then. Also maybe he was afraid of injuries and missing out on a payday?
i totally get the payday angle hence my "$$$" comment, but in regards to them narrowly missing the playoffs, i didnt remember that. that makes more sense. still tough looking at it in retrospect though
That season when they almost made the playoffs and didnt they fired the coach for some odd reason after that? Theyve been downhill ever since