:Randallconfused: Yeah, that'll never happen for me. Kevin Durant's move might not of been the best, but nothing I can think of will ever make me root for LeBron.
What made the warriors so easy to root for the past two seasons was being home grown and just fun to watch. I don't think I can root for them this year.
The ONLY good thing about Durant to the Warriors is that LeBron may never win another title. F him. But you never know, he could go ring chase with them later too. Their all a bunch of another word for a cat today, no rivalries, no parity.
Championships are definitely not won on paper, so I fully expect to see some surprises this season. Those two teams may very well end up in the finals, but I don't think it will go as expected for either team.
Are You Guys insecure about Kobe's legacy? What's the reason behind all the hate (and i'm no lebron fan by any means). There's no person i hate more than the C Bags and i don't care for ultimate cowards. So lebron can get the next 3 trophies for all i care...
He did. But at least he had to do some planning... he didn't just join the best team in the history of the NBA. Durant was few minutes, few shots, "few ounces of cojones" away from beating the team he just joined. Ultimate coward to me.
Nah I'm not a Kobe die hard at all really. I just find lebron a really hateable player. The was a huge post with a million of his douchy quotes back at CL, but for me it's mostly his flopping and whiney b*****ness. Baiting draymond to get him suspended was smart but just a b**** move. I've hated Ainge, Manu, Harden, etc. Whining drama queen floppers make me want to break my tv.
His arrogance and BSS (Ball Shrinking Syndrome) at key moments made listening to his fans sing his praises as if he was the most flawless player in the history of the NBA absolutely intolerable. These last Finals last few games were the first time I remember him not deferring in big moments. He even did it in All Star games, and it was laughable. I was spoiled having an All-Time killer instinct on our team for 20 years. Successful or not, there was no questioning his balls.
i'm sure this has been covered, but i'm in the camp whose main problem with lebron was him not having the sack to try to compete against his draft class mates. real competitors would have divided it up in FA, schoolyard style, imo (lebron/amare, wade/bosh, something like this). i just don't see the honor in what they did in miami. only getting two rings should be considered a pretty big failure. anyway, that lame move paved the way for more stuff like what durant did. the fickle media will immediately forgive as soon as gs wins another title, and the next superstar who can't hack it as the man will find two more to play with and so on. i think the only real way to punish it is public opinion/backlash. i don't see that coming anytime soon, though.
Honestly, I can't blame the Warriors or Durant. This was his way to play for a winner for a year (or is it two? I've lost track...) before the new CBA kicks in, and then he can totally rake it. No team will turn down a superstar waltzing right into your arena. It'll be amusing to see how many points the Warriors put up every game, but at this point, I don't prefer or even care for either team. There are more than two choices, right? Lol.