Good thing Zu's got Madsen in the Chamberlain role to contest the shot. Oh wait. Wilt in his thirties, pre beach volleyball days.
Oh yeah? You won't be calling me Midget when you catch my left elbow in your package!! Imma gonna play like Draymond! That's what coach Luke said he wants ..... "small ball" Baby.
You know we've reached the dog days of Summer when LTLakerFan is having pretend conversations with himself as different players on the practice court.
^^^ I can't believe how much I have turned on Jeanie, one of my all time favorite Lakers persons.... for the stunt she seemingly pulled with the hit piece on her brother right in front of the FA period. Would love to be wrong on that, but have not seen anyone else seem to think someone else did it. Phil??? I don't think so. Maybe it had been on the burner for a long time with the columnist but I'd bet anything he would have gotten her OK first before putting it out there like 2 days in front. Sabotage.
Yeah that one is perfect now like when it first was created. What the hell can Jeanie do now to fix that with grudge carriers like me? I really don't know.
NOOO!! That's what I have reduced her to in my head. Upset (it seemed from her quotes) (though giving her benefit of the doubt ....maybe [???] just surprised) that her brother and Mitch fired Byron Scott's sorry a** with the intention to go hard after Luke in that small window of time, without giving her a heads up first or looking for her blessing. GTFOH Jeanie if it was "upset".