D'Angelo Russell Discussion: Adopting A Professional Attitude

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by The Original 81, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    I'd take it another step further. I would trade D'Angelo only for the Next NBA superstars under 24 years old, under a rookie or RFA contract. There are only a handful. Towns, Irving, Antetokounmpo, A.Davis, and Leonard.

    Many folks seem to forget that we have D'Angelo locked up for another 7 years. All our other kids (Nance, JC, Randle, Ingram, Zubac) are also guaranteed to stay for another 4-8 years. Our core is most valuable as a whole, and not as individual pieces. Trading DAR, breaking up our core, and disrupting our timeline would be the equivalent of opening a bottle of Romanee-Conti before it properly ages. There is also the Warriors and Cavs situation --- we aren't winning squat, no matter what we do.

    It is way too premature to initiate trade talks. At least let the kids develop for another year or two when we can get fair value back for them.
  2. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    that's not happening.

    i'm just not positive that a) the FO is sold on this being a championship-level core and b) that the timeline is long term.

    goal can't be championship or bust. i think people have been spoiled by the few cases of contenders being built literally overnight, like boston, miami, and cleveland. the goal needs to be improvement. get to 50 wins, then think about making the jump to championship-level squad. we're at 17.

    i agree that value on all but ingram is pretty low right now, so it renders most trade talk moot. but i think people forget the downside of being tied to your 1st rounders: if they DON'T show star potential, you might find yourself in a sunk-cost position. say randle doesn't develop a right hand or a respectable shot or court awareness over the next two years...do you end up letting him walk? or do you pay big money to hope he develops more at that point? it's a tricky game knowing when value is highest. bet sacramento wishes they traded tyreke evans for a solid veteran after his rookie year.

    in addition, by the time these guys show themselves as stars (assuming they do), it's probably time to pay them, which might mean you lose the opportunity to snag quality vet FAs to supplement the roster. so, in that case, they better be good enough on their own.

    anyway, i don't see it as a black-and-white situation. there are scenarios in which it makes sense to trade part of the young core (again, of a 17-win team). and they, imo, are more extensive than simply "if NO offers anthony davis"--btw, i think i might trade the entire lot for anthony davis. that's how valuable top-level stars are. particularly in la, who would immediately become a FA destination again (remember that?!) if they had just one allstar in the fold.
  3. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Of course, but that's what it would take imo.

    I'd say we have a playoff core at the very least.

    Either the timeline is long-term or they're using this season to audition/showcase our kids. In either case, a trade is highly unlikely to happen this year.

    I agree, and that's precisely what I'm saying. Let's make it to 50 wins and be a big (star) trade away from a championship. That's the right time to trade. Not now.

    That's where you have to stick to your gut. We aren't talking about a core of Marcus Smart, Nik Stauskus, and Anthony Bennett here..... our kids are studs. The odds that none of them pan out are slim to none.

    Tyreke and MCW are anomalies. Look back at the past 30 ROY's and 90% of them became HOFer's or allstars. I'd take those odds any day of the week.

    That's a good problem to have. We'd have the luxury to start shuffling our pieces.

    I don't see any scenario where it makes sense to trade our young core this year. If you could reference an example of a NBA team winning 17 games, built through trades to an eventual championship, please let me know. Because I can not recall an instance. On the other hand, there are many contending teams that are built through the draft. And those teams stick around for a looooong time (spurs and gsw)

    Bottom line is that the risk of trading now is much higher than the risk of all our kids turning out to be busts. I am enamored by the thought of creating a dynasty. We have a legitimate shot with our kids (and maybe a trade down the line) Let's not screw it up. We haven't even allowed the wheels to start turning yet.......
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2016
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  4. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I agree with all this.

    And Anthony Davis? I'd give up any combination of 3 of the 4 (Ingram, Russell, Randle, Clarkson) then throw Nance in as the cherry, leaving me with, for arguments sake, Davis and Clarkson to build around. Davis is that good. And if we called and offered Ingram, Randle, Russell and Nance...the Pelicans would hang up the phone.
    abeer3 likes this.
  5. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    eh, what's panning out? you mention gs and the spurs--each had their guys develop into perennial allstars or even superstars. i'm highly dubious on randle and clarkson getting to that level, and i think you have to be banking on the high side for russell and ingram. possible, but for most superstars it was obvious from the start.

    but we don't have a ROY. we have a second team all rookie guy and someone who is probably not going to be the ROY in ingram.

    those are odd criteria...but i can name teams whose centerpiece player or players were acquired via FA or trade: miami 2006 (shaq), lakers 2000-2002 (shaq), detroit 2004 (almost all of them). miami and boston's recent teams. the list goes on.

    now, if you want to argue that many championship teams are built around superstars they drafted, i can't argue this. but then you have to be saying that the lakers have drafted a superstar. i don't see it. hope i'm wrong.

    disagree. if anything, trading for a current allstar carries almost no risk. plus, "risk" is a strange concept for a bottom dweller. what are we risking? more failure?

    i think this must be our central disagreement: you think we have a dynastic core in place. i really don't. but i see you're predicting 45 wins next year, and i would also think that's way out of range. i hope you're right on all these counts.
  6. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    It isn't that black or white. None of them need to become superstars. If the sum of our parts equate to a 50+ win team (which I think is our absolute floor) down the line, we are good. At that point, we will be loaded with assets that are tradeable.

    You brought up Tyreke as a case-study. I was simply making an observation.

    It is not an odd criteria at all.... We are discussing if it is a good idea to trade our best young asset, in our 17-win state, for a superstar on an expiring contract. I am arguing that it probably isn't a successful formula and it seems that history agrees with me.

    As for the teams you mentioned, all those teams either 1) had an established allstar player(s) on their roster or 2) were Playoff teams when they made the trade. Neither describes our team, and it only validates my point that a trade is premature in our current state.

    We'll just have to disagree here. Trading for a current allstar and losing our core carries the risk of a sustained period of mediocrity and putting our all our cards in making a huge splash down the line. Think 2004-2007 Lakers and the type of miracle the Pau trade actually was.

    I admit the 45 win prediction is pure fanboy optimism, but objectively speaking, I do think our floor is 50+ wins and our ceiling is a dynasty with our current core. Do you disagree with that?
    Toklat likes this.
  7. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    "disagree. if anything, trading for a current allstar carries almost no risk. plus, "risk" is a strange concept for a bottom dweller. what are we risking? more failure?"

    Disagree with this line of thinking with the 17 wins and bottom dweller argument as it leaves out the fact that this guy below was the sole and complete reason last year's team with lesser and younger players than assembled on this year's squad .....did not win 30 games. Luke IMO would have won 30 games.

    Toklat likes this.
  8. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Still predicting 50 baby! the improving core, Coach Luke and Jessy plus Ingram, Zubac, Deng, Mozgov and Calderon are worth 33 more wins. B0ron brings about 70 losses by himself, our players overachieved when they squeezed 5 wins out of the septic tank that is B0ron.
    Toklat and kdctran like this.
  9. Lakers2015

    Lakers2015 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 2, 2015
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    No there aren't. Why would the Lakers make a trade for a second tier player who isn't gonna put them over the top while also losing their best young players in the process? Yeah we may be more attractive in free agency, but with Deng and Mosgov on the books it's not like we're gonna be able to add two or three superstars in free agency. That's what it would take to beat the Warriors so what's the point? Trade Russell or Ingram to get a second tier star and probably still be only a mediocre team? That makes zero sense especially since we're talking about two young players with clear superstar potential. How do you know what the front office is thinking? If they weren't convinced this core is good enough they'd trade them all in a desperate move just like all these radio heads are saying they should.
    Toklat likes this.
  10. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I hate that this is being discussed when things are going so well but... since when is MVP candidate a 2nd Tier star?
    Daniel Beltz and abeer3 like this.
  11. Lakers2015

    Lakers2015 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Really? Did you forget about Steph Curry, Dirk, or Nash? Even so it's pretty obvious watching both Ingram and Russell that they have star potential. One looks like he's only a year or two away from being an All Star and while the other needs some time it's clear he has the tools to get there and it's only a matter of bulking up a bit and gaining more experience.
    Toklat likes this.
  12. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Because of Summer League? I think we need to temper our expectations a bit on what he's going to look like against real NBA talent. He's absolutely 100% improved over last season, but he's got a hell of a long way to go before he's even in the discussion for an All-Star appearance. Right now he's not better than (off the top of my head) Eric Bledsoe, Brandon Knight, Chris Paul, Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, Damien Lillard, CJ McCollum, Tony Parker, James Harden, Russell Westbrook... I mean that's off the top of my head in this conference. I'm not sure D'Angelo is better than Jordan Clarkson right now. There's only so many guard spots on the Western Conference All-Star game roster.
    abeer3 and lakerjones like this.
  13. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    you named exceptions, do you want the list that constitutes the rule? i don't think you do.

    and realdeal answered the rest for me.

    i think people are overestimating the youth and underestimating westbrook. i don't have time for multi-page debates about it, though. i'm pretty sure management will listen to ANY offer that involves current allstars under the age of 30, and i understand why. you can wait for russell to be maybe as impactful as lillard, or you can trade him for someone who is as impactful as lillard today. how is the former a quicker path to contention? makes no sense to me. if nobody offers a young allstar, then you don't trade.
  14. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I understand, although I disagree to an extent, the stance that trading for him is a bad idea. I think trading makes sense as long as it's a reasonable offer. I don't however understand the need to break down Westbrook like he isn't a Top 5 player in the NBA. Sure he has flaws, but he's also a tremendous, tremendous player. He's not a 2nd Tier star and he's not a guy you pass on in FA because he's not that good. He's a great player and if he's available we need to at least check in and see what the deal is both in FA and in trades. If all it costs us is Russell to get Westbrook, I do that without ever looking back and I laugh all the way to the bank. That's a steal. If it takes Russell (or maybe Clarkson)/Randle I take it even though I'm not as ecstatic about it. That to me is a fair deal considering Westbrook would be a risk. Anything beyond that? No thank you, I'll take my chances. Anything beyond that truly is gutting the team. I think you can lose both Russell and Randle and Westbrook would still have compelling reasons to stay: a) money, b) market/home/etc., c) decent vets like Williams/Deng/Mozgov/Calderon, and d) still a lot of young assets like Clarkson, Nance Jr., Zubac, Black, and of course Ingram. We wouldn't be able to add another star in FA, but we'd have a pretty good team with a high floor and a high ceiling. Obviously I'd prefer if we just added Westbrook into our group now without giving up the youth, but there's an inherent risk there of him going to Boston and finding the Eastern Conference nicer than the Western one.

    I'm all for the rebuild, but that doesn't mean we have to wait 7 years for this rebuild to bear fruit. We can speed up that process and a guy like Westbrook absolutely does that. Passing on him in FA because Durant left OKC is not something I would be tolerant of with our FO.
    lakerjones likes this.
  15. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    No way without under the table signed, whatever ..... commitment from him to stay. You can't take the gamble otherwise. Situations change, people could get hurt on our roster and then maybe Russ thinks he gotta do what's best for him and goes elsewhere. Now what. My example's not an unforeseeable possibility, why I feel it's got to be in blood somehow he's staying for the long haul. IMHO.
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  16. lakerjones

    lakerjones Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I'm of the same mind. I don't want to miss out on Westbrook if possible. He's the star I can see that could take us to the next level. Ideally he joins this team in FA without us losing any pieces, but if Boston is in trade talks and I'm the FO I at least see if Russell can get him, or at most Russell(or Clarkson) and Randle. I like Russell a lot, and I love Randle, but Westbrook is THE guy for me, and if I have to give up some young talent to get him, I do so. Both of those players have a ways to go and I think Westbrook will be in the discussion once again for MVP. Westbrook replaces Russell (or Clarkson) and as much as I love Randle, you start Nance instead and it's not a huge drop off.
  17. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    That's pretty much the way I see it. I've seen people on here now saying Randle and Nance Jr. can't really coexist well what about Russell and Westbrook? I mean sure they technically can coexist, but both of them want and/or need the ball. If we got Westbrook I'd think Russell would then be packaged off anyway for a different player. I'm not saying necessarily that I want Russell gone, I just think Westbrook can be that guy for us who takes up the mantle tomorrow and takes us that extra step farther than we are now. Russell MIGHT be the guy to do that... but Westbrook IS a guy who can do that.

    I totally understand not getting into a bidding war though. If Boston can put together a package of Thomas//Brooklyn Picks then so be it. They'll get him and then I'll take my chances in FA. It'll be a tall order and we'd probably not have much of a shot, but that's better than losing 2-3 of our young stars for Westbrook who could bail on a gutted team. I don't want to be NY with Carmelo.
    lakerjones likes this.
  18. LakerFanIam

    LakerFanIam - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 8, 2014
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    I'd trade Russell & Randle for Westbrook any day.. Not even a discussion.
  19. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    And then Westbrook walks at the end of the season and we have lost the #7 pick and #2 pick we suffered so much for, for nothing. Yeah, it's a discussion. If Westbrook had 3 years left on his deal, it's not a discussion, but he doesn't, so it is. I don't give up a thing for Westbrook, not a thing. Any valuable piece lost in a trade for Westbrook and he walks, we are immediately set back. Even if it isn't Russell or Ingram or Randle. Where are you gonna find a Clarkson replacement on the discount deal he took? In a league where Crabbe gets $75 mil? No thanks. I don't care if I sound like I'm overvaluing or overrating our players, because I'm not, this isn't about that, it's about trading pieces we are building something here with for a rental. Cannot risk it.

    I also don't see Westbrook as a "game changer" for our franchise as I don't see other free agents out there lining up to play with him, Durant left him. If he wants to join the team in free agency, fantastic. Then if he and Russ don't work on the court you can trade Russ for a different good piece. And speaking of overrating our players, I think saying you wouldn't trade Russ and Ingram or even that you WOULD, is doing just that. How is that the best return OKC can get for Westbrook? Realistically they can get an all-star plus a couple good players and picks for him from other teams. I want Russ and Ingram here because they have major potential and are on rookie deals, but to OKC they are most likely a rookie who hasn't played a game yet, and a 2nd year player who has only shown flashes. That's not enough for a top 5 NBA player.
  20. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Westbrook will be 28 in November. And he moves like pre-injury Rose, with a game dependant solely on athletism. Keeping that in mind, I think the question boils down to:

    Would you rather have a Cavs-lite roster or Warriors-lite roster in 2020? A 50+ win team with a 32 year old Westbrook and 23 year old Ingram, or a 50+ win team filled with young studs that runs a team-oriented offense, ready to compete for a decade?

    I'd take the Warriors-lite situation and it's not even close.
    Toklat, ElginTheGreat and LTLakerFan like this.

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