I don't know which of these teams I want to see face Cleveland more, they both seem equally mediocre in their own way. Also, Dragic's face is taking a beating this series.
Damn D-Wade has been amazing this playoffs. Really carrying this team. Very impressive. Playing like a superstar.
Wade just made a hell of a move to get to the rim and tie this game though. I find myself rooting for Miami, something I never thought I'd say.
3rd overtime game of this series. Mediocrity at its longest. 2 teams battling their hearts out for the privelege of being destroyed by the Cavs.
Dwayne Casey is horrible. This looks like Byron Scott end of game offense. Not absolving DeRozan or Lowry, but it's easy to see how they could struggle in postseason play with this kind of offense.
Raptors blew this game. As only they could. DeRozan is a really good player, but every one of his shots has to come one on one because Casey has no offensive creativity.
If he would want to come to a rebuild, I feel like I would sign Deng over DeRozan now. My only concern is price and years due to his age. I don't think I want DeRozan for 23-25 mil, whatever his max is, anymore.
I'd still want DeRozan. In Luke's offense playing off the ball especially with D'Angelo delivering him the ball I think he could be deadly.
Wade is ballin. This ain't no phantom foul, free throw parade stuff, he's running every play down the stretch. Heat win.