LakersBall Lakers Fan Forum

by sirronstuff at 5:46 AM
(1,509 Views / 2 Likes)
Was it already closed? If not, is it about to close officially?

Both Lebron and AD plan on playing in the Olympics this year. In the past, we've seen younger players have their next season pretty dramatically affected due to fatigue. How about the guy with more miles than anyone in the history of the league? How about the guy with a history of injury even though he's been in one of the healthiest stretches of his career?

Lebron played a LOT of games this year, and AD played more than any other superstar. When adding to this the intense load of an Olympic Games, can we really expect them to be ready to play more than 50% of the season next year? If they play more, will they be healthy? When they do play, will they have enough in the tank to sustain through a playoff run if they were to get there?

I get wanting to represent your country, but to me, this...
by sirronstuff at 8:30 PM
(2,575 Views / 5 Likes)
We've watched this team waltz through the regular season playing nearly .500 ball until the All Star break, and then finally picking up the pace.

We haven't developed our young players
We have inconsistent lineups
We lack cohesiveness
In the playoffs, good defensive teams can take away your first, 2nd, and 3rd options, and you have to go deep into your bag. You practice that bag in the regular season.
We have no bag to dip into and no one on one specialists who can go get us buckets consistently.

I know as fans we can choose to look on the bright side and believe it's possible to pull off the amazing, and the results last year played into that, but the reality is miracles of that size just don't happen.

Let's look at history and a simple stat that gauges consistent effort across the regular season, the +/- or average margin of victory. (Since 2008)

Statistically, the champions come from the top 6 seeds, but really higher than that unless they have an all time great at the peak...
by sirronstuff at 4:29 AM
(1,202 Views / 3 Likes)
Did you know that with just a few prompts you can make an AI generated song about anything including your favorite team the Lakers? Free!


The Lakers are my favorite basketball team. Ham sucks as a coach. LeBron‘s balls shrink, but he always makes the right play. DLO needs to step up in the playoffs. Jeanie sell the team. Rob save us!

Please take a moment and post a version of your own that you made
just for fun

You’re Welcome
by JSM at 7:18 PM
(16,445 Views / 1 Likes)
I imagine most of this will be about this guy

.. At least until an official decision is made on when he plans on entering.

Scouts are also starting to pop up at more college game as we approach March Madness

by JSM at 6:30 PM
(2,476 Views / 5 Likes)

Maybe wear a name tag on the front of your jersey for AD's sake