LakersBall Lakers Fan Forum

by LaVarBallsDad at 12:41 PM
(1,649 Views / 14 Likes)
Good Afternoon LB,

Rydjorker use to post on "Club Lakers." He provided scouting reports of every players the Lakers drafted or obtained through Free Agency. After Club Lakers disappeared, so did his scouting reports. I knew he posted on LG; @therealdeal suggested PMing him and getting his permission to provide his content here for Lakers Ball Users. I messaged him and it took him awhile to get back too me, but he did today; and he gave me the permission to provide HIS CONTENT.

So, I'll update this thread as we go along with scouting reports, and you can provide feedback. Disagree, agree, etc. Also, provide feedback or make changes if you guys want all of the scouting report posted or just a link given; some of the scouting reports can take up some space.
by sirronstuff at 3:44 PM
(1,681 Views / 14 Likes)

Oops, did I spell that wrong?

by Khmrp at 10:34 PM
(2,873 Views / 1 Likes)
I wanted to bring up this topic because outside of PJ, we have had very little success with over coaches over the years. Is this because mgmt isnt doing a good job of screening the canidates? I mean pj was sort of a no brainet right? Ive only been a fan since the end of magic era transitioning into the jone/van exel era so were we this bad with hiring coaches back in thethe day too? I mean look at the green puke, they didnt lose much going from doc "cry me a" rivers to stevens, who sime might argue could ve a better coach than rivers, he just lacks the talent doc had. I hope Luke is our ver. Of Stevens but if he fails too i would not be surprised at all, unfortune thing for me to say but jim or whoever is making the hcoach hiring decisions has given me very little to be confident about