LakersBall Lakers Fan Forum

by LaVarBallsDad at 8:54 AM
(20,870 Views / 11 Likes)
Let me preface this by saying I did not break this down. This was posted by fiendisoc from LG. I messaged him a couple of days ago and asked if I could have permission to use his stuff on this site because I believe he does a fantastic job of breaking stuff down. From here on out it's his stuff...

In an earlier discussion, I mentioned my problem with the Princeton offense:

While the real Princeton is better than the *version of it* we ran last season, its pure form is also outdated for today's league. For the high post sets, the only way you're going to get the space you need to cut into the lane is if your center or 'hub' can handle the ball, pass, and shoot 3's or very high % 2 pt jumper's, and all other players are also 3 point threats. Otherwise the defense is just going to compact in and your team is going to be shooting outside most of the time.

Back-cuts, which is a staple of the system, are few and far between in the NBA. Because most of the time, they aren't...
by LALakersFan4Life at 3:29 PM
(2,813 Views / 3 Likes)
by therealdeal at 8:16 AM
(4,556 Views / 12 Likes)
I am by no means a statistician and as much time as I love spending on here and watching the Lakers, my time still has limits. I've only had time to analyze the first half of the 2nd game but I found some good stuff.

After it became apparent the stat keepers at the Summer League are either drunk or not paying attention, I decided to try to keep stats myself. Instead of going for just traditional stats though, I tried to keep track of a few others. The one that I really wanted to look into was Effective Screen Setting. For some reason we run the Princeton offense which is predicated on ball-movement, man-movement, and off-ball screens. I wanted to see just how effective those screens are because we never seem to be open off of them. An "Effective Screen" in my opinion is one that makes contact with the player and creates space for the ball handler.

I also looked at Close Outs on Shooters, Caught Ball Watching, Hedging/Rotating, and Changed Shots (instead of blocked shots). The...
by LTLakerFan at 9:12 PM
(2,007 Views / 2 Likes)
Clarkson has been amazing in his upward performance progression since he got his chance to start after the All Star break. Like / 45 degrees. Did not expect what I am seeing now from where he was at the end of this season. Objectively incredible. Looking at Klay now 3 years in (?) .... I think there's a case to be made for Clarkson to be a better player than him potentially. What if in a year or 2 Clarkson is better than Thompson? Because it's not hard to imagine D'Angelo Russell with 15-20 more lbs of muscle...... starting to just approach his prime years.
by unpossibl1 at 10:19 PM
(101,896 Views / 11 Likes)

Awesome news, Upshaw needs work but the things he can do defensively are impressive.