Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by puffyusaf#2, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. OX1947

    OX1947 - Lakers MVP -

    Jun 3, 2016
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    I'm just gonna read Cookie's posts from here on out. It's like she downloaded all my thoughts and typed it on here.
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  2. Kenzo

    Kenzo - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    As is, we're a play-in team. We're also one month long injury to one of our starters, to be out of the PO picture for good. I wish i could be optimistic about this sorry a** put together team. Pelinka either pulls some miracle out of his a** or he can't go kick rocks fast enough.
  3. VladeD714

    VladeD714 - Rookie -

    Nov 22, 2023
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    Bro, not only that, I thought the report(s) stated that adding Vincent and Vando would be our key FA additions because they were out most of all last season & the thought was having those players HEALTHY all season would help our team.

    I'm wondering if the Lakers knew Vando was still hurt when that report went out and they tried to sell us that narrative because of the disaster that this summer has been; irrespective if you want to put lipstick on a pig and excuse Rob and his incompetence this summer, go right ahead. He's been awful, but it all goes back to that Westbrook deal. However, he wasn't the only one who participated in that trade debacle.

    He did get out of it with a good trade and we had a run to the Western Conference PO's, but now two players included in the deal are issues, IMO. Russell is rumored to be moved & Vando is always hurt. Don't even get me started at the center position.

    I haven't been posting because I'm just not interested in hearing the excuses until the roster is fixed. Rob has up until the trade deadline to figure it out. We'll see.
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  4. FrontOfJersey22

    FrontOfJersey22 - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 21, 2021
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    Yes because nobody knew for sure if the Russ experiment would work or fail.
    Many of us didn’t think so, but at least we could talk ourselves into it, with a tiny sliver of false hope.
    This summer, we lost TWO decent role players off the bench and replaced them with Bronny and Knecht4(I like the kid, but gambling on him being a dependable piece, day one,is not a bet I would take). Don’t even get me started on the much needed gaping hole at Center.
    I guess we are fine with not giving AD what he wants so he grows increasingly more frustrated with our FO.
    We all saw how that turned out for the Pelicans.
  5. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Oh you know where I’m at with Rob. I said awhile back I wouldn’t be upset to lose a single person in the front office and that still stands.

    I haven’t been that vocal in my criticisms because I honestly just don’t think we’re very well run from top to bottom so I can’t keep having high expectations.

    I always hope for the best and want the team to succeed but it seemed pretty clear early on that we weren’t going to get much done. Granted, I didn’t think we’d do nothing, but I can’t say I’m surprised we didn’t.

    We’ve gone into the season with clear roster issues multiple times now so it’s just kind of the reality of how the franchise operates. I would have liked us to give our rookie coach a complete roster from the jump but it feels like we’re going to do the same thing we did with Ham. We’re going to again be hoping we don’t dig a hole too big to claw out of and that we can make a deal during the season. We’ve managed to claw our way to the playoffs twice this way so maybe we do it again.

    We will see.

    I’m over the debates at least for now. We look very much like a play in team and we have a complete unknown as our new coach.

    My expectations are low. I don’t care about being wrong on the internet though. These guys can feel free to overachieve and I’ll be happy.

    I just don’t see it. Feels like we’re worse than last year but I have to assume JJ will at least play his best guys so maybe we do a little better.

    yeah. I don’t know. We will see.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2024 at 7:22 PM
    Juronimo, Cookie and Weezy like this.

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