It's that time of year again where we're not going to have a whole lot of Lakers news or a while, so as I do every off season, I want to make some updates to Lakersball. There are a few small changes to the themes I want to make, to tighten them up a bit, but this time, I want all of your input. What changes do you want to see on LB? Have you seen a feature on another forum that worked well and you think it would improve LB? I'm posting in Lakers Discussion because I don't think enough people see the suggestions section of the forum. Understand I won't necessarily implement every suggestion, but if it makes sense, is possible, and I can see it adding to the experience of LB, I will strongly consider any and all suggestions.
I gotta get some stats stuff updated during the offseason. Can we bump up the levels of titles/points, etc. on the profiles? I think they're fun. Let's cut down on the number of posters we have. Only left-handers should be able to post. And underwear are to be worn on the outside. Honestly, you're doing a hell of a job here.
Agree. I think most who post for 3 - 4 months top out on the current system. I'm not proposing something to get people posting for the sake of achieving some milestone, but maybe a pop-up telling them they reached "X" level for their 500th like, 100th post, etc. So more achievements to obtain, maybe a few more titles, and maybe a Poster of the Month and they get a cool title. Also, if someone can find a way to ban sirron, that warrants a cool title too. Definitely.
I went for the long haul on the title tree, so at first it's really easy to go up in level from Rookie to Player, etc, but as you level up, the number of posts between each level increase significantly, so once you get to a certain level, you won't see a level up for quite a while, topping out at 12,000 posts. There is some kind of awards page like that, but I don't think there's a popup or it. Good idea. I'll look into it Poster of the month is a great idea. I'll certainly try to implement that.
Would it be hard to add the ability with a button to share a post to social media such as Facebook or Twitter? Might be a great way to increase exposure of some of our best content easily. Also crossed my mind that we might consider separating emoticons from full picture gifs. Ex: From funny: It would be easy enough to make more, but room becomes an issue. And of course, I'll remake any emoticons we have that include personnel we no longer have if you want. (Calderon, Mitch, etc) But we might wait til we fill out our roster to know who is left first. We now have new management, and we'll probably have 30% + of a new roste!!
All god suggestions. Yes, I would think it's better to wait until we know more about the roster before we redo the emoticons.
A ban hammer for when Sirron get's out of hand. Like that one time he was riding and operating the Dragan Bender train that had no brakes.
It's always fun making sirron have to clarify his multiple event draft strategy every time he gets beat up for "the Dragan Bender train". :Headbang:
Any of these can be modified or customized to suit, but do we really want a ban hammer so easily accessible on the site to create negative vibes? At least if you have to go to, you have a few extra seconds to think about the decision to cause such pain in someone's world.
Yes, people choose to forget the strategy including trading our pick down for a later selection to pick Bender and additional assets. But that is what the off-season is for, to play armchair GM. Heck, you never heard me recommending we sign Deng And Mozgov to big contracts LOL
+++++++++++++++ Update +++++++++++++++ I updated the Lakers Nights theme to be much more clean and fixed a lot of the little problems like odd colors for the spoilers and quotes. Check it out by clicking the theme title in the bottom left corner, and choosing Lakers Nights form the theme list
+++++++++++++++ Update +++++++++++++++ Per request, I installed a "Poster of the Month" feature. Here's what you should know: - There is a new page under the Members section entitled "Top Posters". This page will list the posters with the most likes during each month - There will be a list of the top 6 LB posters, according to "Likes" received on the right side bar on the forum home page - Only posts in the Basketball related areas will be counted. Any "Likes" in Off Court, or Non-NBA related areas of the forum won't count towards a win. - The winner of the Top Poster of the Month, will have a special banner on their member profile under their avatar all month long - LB Staff are not eligible
Imma go all petty and screw over someone I consider a friend (online). Does sirron count as staff? He will get the award on gifs alone. Also, the Top Poster section, currently, shows messages and not likes. I would imagine it counts messages as well.
Crap... it turns out this add on is now unsupported, and will only count posts made. Not sure I want to even promote that because I don't want people to post with nothing to add, just to try to win this. I'll look into either adjusting the add on, or replacing it with a different one that counts likes and not posts. On your first point @ZenMaster, Sirron isn't an official staff member, so he is eligible to win (once I fix this), not much I can do about that other than to say, everyone should like the posts of whoever they think should win per month.