Wow that's some great stuff. I've seen a ton of magic shows, but this kid has some great material. I think he overused the theatrics a bit (but it's a show so I get it), but the tricks themselves are just tremendous.
It's nothing ground breaking but it's really well executed and a fresh twist on old stuff. I've got a couple buddies that do card tricks (good party trick back in college) and they thought he was really good. I know I can't do that atuff. I'm pretty easy to entertain maybe.
I know almost nothing about magic so maybe I'm just easily blown away. It was mind-blowing to me though!
Amazing. I always watch these guys trying to figure out how they do it. Other than him slipping a card up his jacket and later taking it from his pocket, I was unable to see any of his other slight of hand tricks.
some guys are great at slight of hand, but some things are beyond that..... thought this was an interesting theory for sure several associated videos on the topic, and I found them worth a watch
Demons, sirron, really? Don't be ridiculous, man, these people are clearly shape-shifting Reptilians, just look at the guy that plays with ball's eyes.
There was one clip where the guy was pulling cards out of thin air, and you could see them appearing from nowhere in slomo video. It's beyond slight of hand. It's MAGIC!!!