LABron James Discussion: The Big 4 0!

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by therealdeal, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    If people are actually listening to those know nothings though, then who is really at fault?

    "Who is the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"- Obi-Wan Kenobi
  2. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Awww geez here we go with the ancient god thing again .....

  3. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    What I can't stand about the LaBron discussion is that Laker fans aren't willing to be a team player cause they rather player hate.

    LaBron on our team makes us better and dem just facts. But folks rather give the dude a phantom injury and ignore our young core's injury plagued careers just cause dude congratulates himself and his inflated stats threaten the the legend of Kobe.

    Meanwhile Kob ain't thinking twice about how much chasing off Phil and Shaq may have cost him titles as he looks in awe at his Oscar.

    Lakers come 1st....players come 2nd. Folks that rather stick with our "soft" youth than go get the best player in the game cause they're concerned his injury is about to happen, need to become team players rather than player haters.
    Khmrp and JohnnyComeLately2k6 like this.
  4. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Hey .... easy with the broad brush there. Check my sig ... reluctantly got with the program due to realdeal laying out the chance to win now and our young guys are ready on their own after learning from him in the playoffs and in general ... when he needs a rocker. Don't like him but can't argue much with that. But looking at RW's salary over the next 5 years in that illustration was frightening and confirming for me. Hell no with blowing some more of now we're talking the creme de la creme of our remaining best young talent out to try to buy a new title team with 3 MAX ******* salaries at the top of our roster. Otherwise fine here.

    :Ingram Heart Hands:
  5. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Keep in mind, we can give those contracts to LBJ and PG13 while still maintaining our future flexibility with the youngsters. Part of the big problem with OKC is that they're cash strapped while having that giant contract to Russ. As long as they are stuck in the spot they are now, they're in big trouble. There's no bigger ceiling there than what they're doing right now. That's what is frightening about their situation.

    Our situation is totally different now. We can hand those contracts out and still have room for growth because so much of our team is so young. Assuming we sign LBJ and PG13 and that's it, we'll be in trouble in about 4 years when all our young guys need new deals. At that point there'll be decisions to make. Either our guys all start taking big pay cuts or people are going to have to start leaving. At that point, I'd expect LBJ to be close to retirement so he's top of the list as far as pay cuts. After that, how much do our young guys want to stay together? Look at what Golden State has been doing. All of those guys love playing together and are willing to sacrifice a few million dollars a year to maintain their dominant stance. Can we get there? If we can, can we stay there?
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 likes this.
  6. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Sorry, not trying to get into a long argument, but I can’t let this one go. Some players some fans don’t want as Lakers, they aren’t LAKERS, they’d be imposters wearing the jersey, or it would just feel plain wrong. For me, this is not the case with LeBron, I’d be ok with it in the end, but you can’t say ANY player is welcome here because the name on the front comes first. What the name on the back of the jersey means to the franchise matters too. No way in hell Lakers fans from the 80’s would be welcoming Bird, McHale or Parish here, or Isiah and Lambier. And no way in hell during my personal championship fandom would I be welcoming Webber, Duncan, Pippen, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen and some others here, f*** all those guys. All that being said, Lakers fans WOULD have take Michael Jordan here in the 90’s if given the chance, and that I think is one of the few areas he and LeBron compare. He’s not enough of a rival to be a true Laker enemy, same as Jordan wasn’t for taking only one title from us. I also don’t get why you feel the need to take shots at Kobe at every turn, I know you were a Shaq over Kobe fan, but damn, talk about telling us to let stuff go regarding LeBron, let it go regarding Kobe. 5 rings, 2 post-Shaq, in contention every single year except from ‘05-‘07 and post achilles. Dude gave us everything his body had to give.
    alam1108, TIME, ZenMaster and 9 others like this.
  7. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Sorry but Father Time is undefeated. If that makes me a hater, so be it.
  8. EddieEddie

    EddieEddie - Rookie -

    Jan 25, 2017
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    Just watching Lebron out there, the guy is still such a beast. So his age/mileage aside, I'd gladly sign him knowing we can get probably 3 more superstar years out of him and another 3 solid starter/fringe All-Star years out of him. This might defy all we know about the battle athletes have with father time but Lebron has always been an anomaly in that respect. I don't see him breaking down the way Kobe did. As long as the Lakers have young talent on the ascent while Lebron is on the descent, it'll work out just fine.
  9. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Actually, I'm a Laker fan over any player fan...get that straight before you take shots at my intent.

    Dude gave everything to us except his ego. Had he given that, we'd be talking about trying to create a superteam this summer to get 20+ titles as a franchise with those other guys on the other coast being an afterthought. Instead, we're still chasing them dudes.

    I'm not taking shots...I'm stating facts. He chased off Shaq and Phil and possibly cost us titles in the process. Do to his off the court shenanigan, he obviously couldn't dedicate his entire focus in that '04 season and Piston's series as well.

    Magic is the guy that first drew me to the Lakers and through loyalty I'm a stan of his, but I still think dude cheated us out of titles for stuff he did off the court as well. So you think I'm going to avoid a Kobe topic on a Lakers discussion forum cause his legend shouldn't be tarnished by Bron? Kobe ain't thinking about Laker fans and the Lakers franchise bypassing those C bags when he says s*** like this...

    ...while not wanting to help recruit for the franchise. And you know what, that's his right. But as a fan, I ain't going to tip-toe a Laker legend cause its considered blasphemy by his fans....that's my right as a Laker fan.

    The Lakers need stars and need to get back to the postseason. I couldn't care less about Shaq vs Kobe and whose a** tastes better....What annoys me about all of this is that we're still talking about trying to get 17 instead of gunning for 20+ next season and the near future.

    I follow the mantra of the best Lakers fan ever....


    The reason those dudes are even relevant is cause they're sitting on #17 right now. I can't wait to get to the point where I don't even have to think about those guys any longer and the Good Doc can RIP.
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 likes this.
  10. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I guess I enjoy players journeys over strictly titles. The titles don’t really mean as much if I can’t look back and remember the players and their specific special moments. Shaq’s dominance, Horry’s huge shots, Fisher’s tough play and leadership, Kobe’s magic, Pau’s skill, Odom finally coming through and getting his, Bynum’s emergence, that’s what I remember as much as the trophies, even in the years we didn’t win it all. All I’m saying is the hating on our own players to make your point is old, I’ve been reading Kobe hate from you for over a decade now. We get it, but he’s not even playing anymore, I said let it go for your own sake, not for mine. It’s a game first for me, it’s entertainment, I enjoy this stuff when we’re contenders and even when we’re up and coming youngsters. I’m not about tossing every player in the trash for mercenaries because only titles matter, there’s more to being a Laker, and a Lakers fan than that to me. The Van Exel/Jones/Divac days made me appreciate the Shaq/Kobe days even more, and I’m sure the current Laker teams will make me appreciate whatever comes next, but it’s ALL part of the journey. Some teams never even get one title, I’m thankful for all we’ve gotten and more. I’m not about nitpicking our Laker legends for their faults, the past is the past.
  11. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
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    I’m a straight up douche hater.

    And I don’t feel the need to explain or justify myself.

    Especially to some dude with a girly word like sash in his name

    Toklat, SamsonMiodek, jbiggs and 3 others like this.
  12. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Kobe critique is now Kobe story bro. I've commented on Kobe favorably numerous times, but for your sake, I'll try to do it a little more. ;)

    Bron has gone to the Finals without finishing. Bron is struggling with the current iteration of the Cavs and it looks like an 8th straight Finals appearance isn't a lock.

    He needs us (2 max slot allows him to pick a young crew as well as recruit a fellow star to play with all while trying to earn titles for 3 organizations and play with a pass first PG to try and get KAJ's record) as much as we need him. It doesn't seem like the Lakers are going the mercenary route.

    Ain't all of us trying to be tuff guys online. Anywho, you'd be amazed at all the things a dude can do with a sash...
  13. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    I didn’t say anything about Kobe though, so maybe that part is directed elsewhere


    I’m running out of things to give you a hard time about, but I REALLY don’t ever want to se LLLLL in P+G. If it makes me a hat-ah, then sign me up every day and twice on Sundays.

    Stats and fans desperation to win now be damned. I won’t be swayed.
  14. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    ^^^The post was directed at Weez, but the spoiler was just for you haha.

    But Weez allow me to clarify this further... I love and appreciate Kob to the fullest for the 5 titles and what he gave to us in his P&G armor. But imho, he did leave titles on the court. Kob, as he matured, redeemed himself by wanting Phil to come back and wanting the FO to get him some help (ie "Do something and do it now"). But had he swallowed his ego earlier, dude probably has more titles than MJ and then the conversation of excluding Kob to discuss LeBron being better than MJ doesn't really even matter, cause Kob woulda been far beyond that conversation. Meanwhile his titles gives the Lakers more titles and the C bags are in the rear window. That's my biggest gripe of Kobe...that he coulda had more titles.

    With haters like me, who needs friends..ey Kob.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  15. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Everyone leaves titles on the court. These guys are human, their flaws are part of their story. Shaq left titles on the court by not working on his body more. Even Jordan left titles on the court to go play baseball. It’s incredibly nitpicky to bring up Kobe’s ego, his contracts, etc every time we get into a discussion about LeBron. I, and most others here don’t want LeBron as our #1 target and won’t die if he doesn’t come here, not because of Kobe Bryant, but because of so many other reasons I won’t even get into because they’ve been brought up so many times already. I didn’t say you were a Kobe “hater”, Vas, in that you can’t stand the guy and never say nice things about him. I said that you were hating on him with your recent comments and I stand by that, because to it seems pretty out of nowhere to me. And yes I do remember that you were a Shaq over Kobe guy and have never really had the same “love” for Kobe as a lot of us here have. And that’s fine, that’s your right, but it’s currently not relevant regarding LeBron. I have my issues with Kobe too, I tore him apart for his selfish play in his final season, and I’ve had my issues with every other Laker/Laker great as well, but the good always faaaar outweighs the bad, and that’s certainly the case with Kobe.

    Again, regarding LeBron, I’d take him, I’ve said that before, if it’s for the good of the franchise I accept it. In the meantime though, I gotta get my hate in and enjoy every bit of sirron’s LeBron trolling, because honestly I find the Kang/self-proclaimed Chosen 1 to be super annoying, a flopper, a frontrunner, and someone who has referred to himself in the 3rd person way too many times for my liking. If he comes here, I’ll deal with it, but until then, as always, f*** LeBron.
  16. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    Look what i found on the interwebs!


    So. Weird. I mean, what are the chances?

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2018
  17. jbiggs

    jbiggs - Rookie -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    i agree that kobes ego did get in the way in a certain respect (taking max $ when in theory he could have taken less like other stars), and also with him wanting to be the man at all costs.

    but i resent the thought that he ran shaq outta town. shaq ran shaq outta town. and if anything the man you seem to revere most in Dr. Buss even said himself that he knew he had to make a choice. of course this isnt to say that kobe is without fault in the feud but he shouldnt shoulder the blame in my opinion. shaq could have put his ego aside as much as kobe.

    all in all i think many are upset at what could have been. @Weezy is right too that almost all players have left titles on the table, it just sucks because there could have been more for kobe, for shaq, for phil, and of course by extension the lakers
  18. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
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    it's obvious to me that Snaq was the issue, and I really feel like he's admitted as much. If he could have taken second chair, they'd have continued their run.

    He wanted the credit, but wasn't the one putting in the work. He was getting by on natural talent instead of hard work.
  19. jbiggs

    jbiggs - Rookie -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Exactly. Shaq has even said after Kobe took over in the Pacers finals when he fouled out he knew kobe was the "best player ever." and that was their 1st title!

    kobe played "2nd fiddle" (ha) for 3 years where shaq got much of the glory and 3 finals mvp. it was more than overdue for shaq to play a robin role after this and his stubbornness and lack of work ethic prevented something truly great
  20. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    @Weez thx for clarifying your position, but I stated in the past that Shaq and Kob were both to blame for the breakup, but at that particular time only one was leveraging to stay while the other leveraged to leave. Shaq wanted an extension (Ie "Pay me") while Kob was a free agent that leveraged the cLips out of all teams against us before we canned Phil and traded Shaq away. Phil fired within a week after Finals defeat to the Pistons (June 10th). Shaq gets traded on July 15th to Miami. Kobe decides to re-up with the Lakers on July 16th. It could be a mere coincidence, but seriously, we should all know better.

    Other than Shaq and Kob being ridiculously petty and immature, I blame Mitch just as much, if not more, than anybody. All he had to do was take what the Logo built and prolong it...instead he didn't do anything of importance in adding to that championship duo (Malone and GP don't count cause they came at the request of Shaq) and when time came for the critical moment of summer 2004, he broadcasts to the world (a time when social media was not even popping yet) that Shaq was available, while they would do anything to keep Kobe. This is the same guy that is bland AF and keeps everything to the vest, yet surrendered any leverage we had with that announcement and then immediately after that presser, Shaq demands a trade and limits the destinations to his liking.

    Shaq was asking for a 3 year 90M extension, but "settled" for a 5 year 100M contract instead. Considering that during that time frame he was an All-star 4 times and won a ring, probably 2 if Wade wasn't injured in the ECF of year 1 with Shaq, then we missed out on a window where Shaq was still dominant and Kobe was just entering his prime.

    Titles are left on the floor, but none so obviously from clearly the most dominant duo at the time that had prematurely shut that window.

    @jbiggs Shaq and Kob were such a dominant tandem that they changed the rules because of them and they both never got serious MVP consideration cause they would cancel votes out from each other....but there's a reason there are the sayings of you "never trade big for small" and "wings are a dime a dozen in the league". KAJ was the man and still is the man in alot of regards because of his particular skillset as a big. Look what Bill Russell did in a league that just couldn't match him genetically and even a scoring powerhouse like Wilt had trouble playing against. Its why Embiid is getting so much love, why Gobert makes Utah look so formidable and why NO believes AD and Boogie could change the recent trends in the league...its why picks of Bowie over MJ and Oden over Durant were justified at the time (damn Portand...blaze away).

    Kobe was awesome in his youth, but 3 titles without Shaq during that time is a tough sell to me. If anything Shaq expedited Kob's development. Prime Kob without Shaq had a tough out with the Suns. It was Kobe's relentlessness that led to a 3-1 lead against them in the 1st round, but then that all came crashing down once the Suns adjusted.

    The Piston Finals is a tough one for me to accept as well since Kob clearly had alot of distractions that season and if he just applied his laser focus on the game, I think we overcome the Malone injury (which was a huge blow too of course).

    Bottomline is that those 2 were dominant together. A legit wing-post duo that could stomp out the competition (if healthy) and it got cut short due to ego. Stupid...and frankly it tarnished his legacy cause he could have easily won more than MJ or at the very least gotten to 6 and tied the publicly renowned GOAT.

    As much as I "love" talking about Lakers history and how funny Shaq is on TNT while how dope it is that Kob got an Oscar, I rather talk about how the Lakers could advance to the 2nd round during this time next year....and that LeBron guy might help us achieve it.

    Juronimo likes this.

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