LABron James Discussion: The Big 4 0!

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by therealdeal, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Me ....

    I know we're pals and nothing other than that intended. But me >>:Bangbrick4:. You shift around at times in the way you defend what your point is. Such as right above, "If I said "the only argument" that's not what I meant. I said the "number one argument" as in: the one that holds the most weight. I'm pretty sure I said "best" and "number one" argument, if I ever said "only" then I apologize because that's not what I meant."

    No you didn't say any of that. You specifically said 100% the only reason PG has to look at us now is "nostalgia". Multiple times when clearly I was taking issue with those words.

    I'm over it . Let's play something else. No need to apologize but thanks.


    sirronstuff likes this.
  2. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I'm gonna go ahead and ask you to find where I said it was the only reason PG has to sign.


    That's not what I said, my friend. I said it was the best argument, not the only argument. I've enumerated all the ways we can argue for the Lakers a ton of times on here! I just don't think we can rely on our own biased way of viewing our future. OKC is going to build an argument against "the future is brighter in LA". Our second open max slot and ability to draw in LeBron makes 90% of OKC's pitch completely moot. Now our pitch isn't just "come home and lead the young guys", it's "we can win now and in the future."

    But I digress. This is the LeBron thread.

    Screw that guy. That between the legs play looked cool, but let's all not pretend like he meant to do that! :D
    sirronstuff likes this.
  3. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Accckkk. Sorry to misquote you. You did indeed say 100% the best reason for him to consider L.A. is nostalgia. But that's semantics and I have the same problem with it. IMO.
    therealdeal likes this.
  4. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I understand. I hope you and TIME are right and he sees it our way. I'd be hyped up just to get one of George or LeBron. I hope they see what we see and we can nab both of them.
    LTLakerFan likes this.
  5. Big Mamma Jamma

    Big Mamma Jamma - Rookie -

    Oct 13, 2014
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    I don't really have much of an opinion about whether PG comes regardless of LeBron coming here or not. I do know that we are in a very enviable position in the best market with the gold standard franchise of the league that has a team with loads of talent and that shows a ton of potential.

    It is not hard for me to imagine that free agency could play out in ways that we don't expect. The trade deadline was so surprising to me and I think Rob and Magic have a vision that we aren't privy to.

    The things I do know...

    - PG mentioned that his preferred destination was LA when still with the Pacers. That is big for me. He wanted to come here before there was even a thought about LeBron coming to LA. Personally, I think PG is a stealthy alpha and wants to be the man for the Lakers.

    - OKC cannot afford to retain PG unless the franchise wants to pay a HUGE tax bill. They could renegotiate Melo's deal but I don't think OKC is that enticing of a team/market.

    - PG can make more money in endorsements here. That has to be really attractive to any free agent.

    - PG has family here and this would be a homecoming of sorts for him if he signed with the Lakers.

    I firmly believe the reason we struck out in free agency before is because of the product, i.e., the team. We have a really exciting team that is definitely up and coming. With every win the Lakers become a more attractive destination. It's exciting!

    I actually believe we have a higher % chance of getting PG than LeBron. I don't think it will be both. My opinion is that PG is our first choice over LeBron.

    That's my $.02
    Savory Griddles, tada, Cookie and 4 others like this.
  6. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
  7. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    My 2 cents:

    First and foremost, LA opened up a 2nd max slot with the JC/Nance deal, even though the team clearly loved Nance and they were rolling at the time. Why do that deal if you know that only one FA will come? We had enough cap space for a max deal by shipping out Mozgov. So that alone tells me that they are aiming for both LaBron and George.

    Secondly, you turn to '19 only if '18 fails. Kyrie didn't put us on his short list when he demanded out of the Land. Klay has been very outspoken about wanting to stay in the Bay and that dude has a history of not biting his tongue, so you can't assume it's just lip service. The Klaw hasn't been linked publicly to LA in any way... Oh and there's that mysterious injury thing. Meanwhile there is a ton of smoke linking both LaBron and George to LA. So you go hard at that and treat 2019 as a contingency.

    Some of you guys are burying LaBron in spite of his track record. Dude has missed on average less than 4 games a year in his 15 seasons as a player. In the past he's sat for "hang-nail" type injuries but maybe there's a method to his madness aka 7 straight Final appearances. Plus if you bring him into a young squad, you get to save his legs... And I'm sure he knows that.

    We've already shown that our youth won't be sacrificed to bring him on if both George and LaBron agree to shave 3M off their true max deals in year 1. Heck you can even make up that cost with inevitable incentive based milestones such as making All-NBA teams and suiting up for a certain amount of games (kinda like Embiid's extension). Their cap number just has to fit in year 1 of their contacts. So we're not even implying that the young'ns be sacrificed... It would be George and Bron that would have to sacrifice and Bron has done that not only to allow the big 3 to fit in Miami in year 1, but also to accommodate year 1 of his return back to the Land. In both cases he did not end up with his true max.

    Now look at our retired jerseys. We've had pretty much a who's who of great players outside of Michael Jordan, Dr. J and Bill Russell. Next to the Laker Lifers of West, Baylor, Magic, Worthy and Kobe you have great players that were acquired in the Stilt, KAJ and the Diesel. Our organization is all about bringing in the best. LaBron right now is the best basketball player and has been for some time. Our organization deserves that type of talent... You need to bring in that type of talent.

    LaBron with a summer roster overhaul followed by an in season roster overhaul along with a Love injury had led his team to a 36-25 record. Meanwhile George has had the reigning MVP to rely on and has helped that team to a 36-27 record. But of course folks will look to the East vs West argument ignoring that the 8th seed in the East has lost 30 games while the 8th seed in the West has lost 28 games. Not to mention George missed out on making an All-NBA team last year while playing against lesser competition in the East.

    It's folly to think that all this team needs is George to be a contender. I love his defense, but it's easy to focus on defense when you have a MVP that can help carry the offense. George alone here would have to take on too much for us to be competitive. But bring him the best player in the game and.... #17andBeyond

    EDIT: Just read @therealdeal and @LTLakerFan discussion and I have to side with Real on this one. In fact my 2 cents were a direct rip off of what he said, so yeah, we're kinda in agreement. LaBron is an egocentric douche....but honestly most star alpha types are. MJ, Kobe, Shaq, Magic, KAJ all had their demons and/or weren't really good people to get along with off the court. I don't think we need to fault LaBron for fact many of the vices and indiscretions that his peers have done off the court, we haven't heard anything remotely of the sort about him in today's heavily scrutinized social media climate.
  8. Big Mamma Jamma

    Big Mamma Jamma - Rookie -

    Oct 13, 2014
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    I follow you but I don't necessarily think opening another max slot was necessarily for LeBron per se. They would do this regardless in my opinion.

    More importantly, I think it provides the Lakers flexibility and that move brought back a coveted draft pick to potentially unload Dung. I think it was opportunistic. We look at these things and ascribe a higher value on our players than is realistic. I believe the Lakers loved Nance but think about that deal... I think the Lakers clearly benefited most.

    I'm not burying LeBron but the dude has a ton of mileage and I'm concerned about the latter part of a long-term deal where his athleticism wanes. I will cheer for him if he comes but man that will take a lot effort for me.
  9. TIME

    TIME Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Lifelong Lakers fan.
    LaLa Land

    C'mon now. You know I'm always right.

  10. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    All that is fine. And well and good. And I am truly excited about the truth of rolling out the DEATH lineup in every game they're healthy.

    Originally that was not the conversation. Randle was assumed gone and it was no big deal. Max for LBJ and Max for PG and you give up at least 2 or more of our liked young players. And LeBron coming with his armchair GM proclivities to maybe move even more of them.

    Boom! Magic and Rob IMO hit a home run with making those 2 young players "gone" for the 2nd Max slot be JC and Nance Jr. Really liked them but perfect to me in that it was them and none of the others. Aside from DLO at the outset for the first slot.

    So I'm down with it and though I have misgivings up my butt about the L.A. LeBrons once he gets here and does his thing and our media does its thing ..... rolling out the DEATH lineup puts us right there and maybe better than anyone. Zen's opinion notwithstanding.

    HOWEVER ...... If LLLLL comes and does either of the following I will hate his guts forever and it just tears up at least half the enjoyment for ME of winning however many games each year or a ring more quickly. If he power trips and costs us any of the remaining Big 4 prospects in Lonzo, BI, Randle or Kuzma or .... if he costs us Walton because he wants his own guy in Fizdale. F*** him. Enough is enough. The organization should not do that.
    Cookie, TIME and JohnnyComeLately2k6 like this.
  11. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Reading essays aside, the biggest sign that Lebron is coming is his guys buying up houses/mansions in SoCal. It could be a sign he's coming here or that he's preparing for the future and laying the groundwork for life after basketball.
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 likes this.
  12. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    George is a lock because of these two gentlemen selling the pitch.


    I'd offer a 2-year contract to LLLLLebron if he wants to join. Take it or leave it. Sorry but we're not that desperate for your services.
    He'd expire the same year as Deng and we'd have a ton of cap space in 2020 to max out Ingram along with other players.
    LTLakerFan and Big Mamma Jamma like this.
  13. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I agree with everything @Barnstable said above. I am a self professed Lebron hater but I could get on board with the signing if he was a few years younger. No way I’m paying Lebron max money for 5 years when he’s not going to be the player he is today.

    Ok you say, but he’s putting up great stats. Yes he is but this is a guy with more mileage on him then a Delta jet they are retiring to the plane boneyard. It’s MY belief he will have a season ending injury within the first 2 years of his contract. People will say “but he’s never been hurt”. You’re correct but that just increases the odds that it’s coming. Sure he could be a one in a million but my money is on Father Time.

    Sooo what happens when he gets hurt. First we will be subjected to 24 hour Lebron injury watch. Everyday of every practice, reporters will be asking Lebron if he’s ok. Of course Lebron being Lebron will milk it for everything it’s worth. This will be disruptive to our team. Not in a big way but I’m sure the team will tire of the subject.

    Next come rehab. What kind of work ethic do you think Lebron will have to get back to 100% from say an achilles tear? I personally do not think he will go full force with his rehab based on how long it took him to add onto his game during the summertime of past seasons. I just don’t think he has that strong of a work ethic and when you’re his age things don’t bounce back like they used to.

    So let’s talk about him aging. This is a guy with an ego the size of Montana. A few years ago when Steph and Kevin were being crowned the new MVP’s of the league, Lebron was pissed. How could anyone deny his greatest? After all he’s the Chosen One. So does anyone think he is going to go quietly into the night? Of course not. Now people will say even a 36 year old Lebron will still be top 12-15. Not if he’s didn’t do his make a full recovery from his injury. My personal belief is he won’t be top 12-15 even if he does make a full recovery. The league has too many young talented guys coming up through the ranks, some of which are on our team.

    So what do I think Lebron is going to do you ask (well maybe you don’t but I’ll tell you anyhow). I think he will become disruptive to our team chemistry. He already blames his teammates for not covering for him. As he ages that is only going to get worse. Professional athletes are always the last one to acknowledge their downfall. He will probably start jacking up more shots to keep his “check my stats” up and he will be less effective each year. The “kids” (at least what’s left of the ones we didn’t trade away to appease the king)
    will tire of him and his attitude. They will be thinking, gosh if only we weren’t paying this a**shole a good chuck of our cap space, we could swoop in a get X disgruntled player who’s asking for a trade.

    All the above does not take into account Lebron’s lack of clutch gene. This is a guy that doesn’t take the big shots. He’s had what, all of 2 or 3 game winning shots in his career. If we do get to the playoffs, Lebron will pass the ball off to our kids anyhow, so they can take the game winning shots. This will of course be great experience for them but if they miss, Lebron didn’t have enough help.

    All the above is just conjecture. These opinions are just my own. They could just as easily not come to pass but there’s enough underlying truth to them to maybe make you wonder....if not, I hate Lebron James and I don’t care.
    jbiggs, Toklat, Weezy and 8 others like this.
  14. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Well said my friend. Injury is my main concern as well. A 4+ year contract for a 34-year old, with his mileage, is a terrible decision.

    I'd give offer him a 2-year $70M contract. That is no slight btw. We gave Kobe, a Laker legend, a $50M extension when he was around the same age. If LLLLLebron demands more? GTFO.
  15. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    :SadPau2: .... Eh don't sweat this too much as it worked out OK with Nash.
  16. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Do you really think it worked out ok with Nash? He was injured almost the whole time he was here.

    If that’s what I have to look forward to, I’m doubling down on the no to Lebron train.
    LTLakerFan and sirronstuff like this.
  17. Big Mamma Jamma

    Big Mamma Jamma - Rookie -

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Cookie, your sarcasm meter must be broken.

    Nash was a colossal failure.
    jbiggs, gcclaker, Barnstable and 4 others like this.
  18. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    So, have you guys heard the rumor that Lebron is interested in being a Laker? What are your takes on it?
  19. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    He's just using us as leverage.
  20. Kobe Bryant 8

    Kobe Bryant 8 - Lakers Starter -

    Apr 8, 2016
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    If LeBron says I'll only sign for the full max Magic and Rob would still do it. It's all about netting the whale.

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