reply #2 …. LOL this nonsense you dropped today especially about Max didn’t even make it 6 hours let alone “age well”. Open your eyes. It’s Max’s coming out year at just turned 22. 4 years and (10?) more pounds and man strength on that frame from his Prime. Costco sized portion of olives for you on these two coming …. if you’ll own it?
JJ is showing himself to be a good coach. Good coaches have no problem blending good and great players. AR is a good player and Luka is great. They won't have any problem playing together.
Yeah Ham’s little self congratulatory/martyr snit after the Bucks won in season cup hasn’t aged well.
So JJ and Luka already connect from playing together on the Mavs. Now I just read he was a mentor to Mark Williams when Mark was at Duke. Can this get any better?
This would be beautiful if at all possible. Step 1. Meet Dallas in the WCF Step 2. Sweep Boston in the Finals 2 years in a row. Step 3. Die happy.
Here's a quote I always remember Bill Parcells, a former New England Patriots coach, said, "If they want you to cook the dinner, at least they ought to let you shop for some of the groceries" Now that JJ has his groceries it's now up to him to cook the dinner and bring us #18
For this team with who we have on it now and the fine touch to get this group of uber talented basketball players to believe in you and want to play for you and respect the way you approach the game ….. we sure dodged a bullet with Big Head Bobby Hurley the screamer.