on november 27th last year, with AD and lebron in the lineup, we lost by 44 at philadelphia. i'd also argue--only half tongue-in cheek--that since the orlando game, we've been basically playing without either of them, lol.
The beat downs are piling up dude. You know if it was Ham, the lost the locker room stuff, would be all the rage right now. Lol..Ham "lost the locker room" in the midst of winning streak. Supposedly. The winning was all on the players
ham lost the locker room by being underprepared and playing favorites. jj's done neither of those things in the early going. but yeah, both coaches are dealing with a bunch of guys who definitely love to quit. and that includes our two stars.
We are getting blown out repeatedly while being extremely prepared and not playing favorites. I don't think coaching was the problem then or now. It's the roster. The players did all that complaining about Ham, and so now what's the problem? The same problems under Ham. THEM. Or the guy picking the players and coaches lol.
Had to be the Chicken. How would the chick develop into a Chicken? It would have starved to death first.
Damn..I really don't like that last comment. That speaks to showing some heart and pride. That's a very troubling comment coming from your HC. If you are going to lay down, your a** needs to be outta here!!
As cheesy as the cup is! Ham won it! DUI boy didn’t ! So far Ham is ahead of DUI boy if we keeping scores . I rest my case your honor
Cup lol Look who is still playing Magic vs. Bucks Mavericks vs. Thunder Hawks vs. Knicks Warriors vs. Rockets Only Milwaukee were in Vegas last season.So basically whole NBA didn't care about this cup or better gave a big f*** to Silver and ratings for the final 4 would be awful.
How can Ham lead the team when he is not the Leader of team. That’s LeBron’S job . There is really no difference between Ham or DUI boy, they were both picked by LeBron to try this out .
“We’re a professional basketball team with professional athletes, you have to do what’s required” For a HC to need to say this...damn.
I dont know wtf he told Gabe but for Gabe to help off of TRAE of all people gota be the dumbest tactic EVER
Did we not hire any defensive coaches? I know our personnel sucks, but still. You can’t waste 38 and 39 point games by AD and LeBron with defense this poor
saw that coming a mile away, so easy to scheme this team into giving up either wide open 3 or barely contested 3 like the one Franz hit us with in the Orl gm