1. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    EDIT: Wrote some stuff that I still stand by, but I also ended up rambling on about my philosophical/spiritual views to the point where I was concerned maybe my post did more harm than good.

    Overall, I'd just say that I think a lot of things are just a matter of semantics. Nominally, I guess I'd have to say I'm an atheist because I feel there is still a stigma to that in society, so that if I can let people know I'm an atheist and then subvert their expectations by being the best person I can be, that could do some good.

    But philosophically, I think a more accurate way of describing my view on religion and spirituality would actually be "omnitheistic". I don't really want to fully elaborate TOO much (if you're interested in my thoughts, feel free to send a PM) but I think that there is actually something universal about "faith" that anyone can find regardless of their world view. So whatever "faith" you have that keeps you going (whether it's the divinity of Christ and promise of an afterlife, a more atheistic view, or the infinite other forms faith can come in), it is real.

    In every sense of the word, the faith that allows you to find love and peace in your world view is real.

    The only concerns I have are that as with anything that is so massive, organized religion can occasionally be warped. And so religion and faith aren't exactly the same thing. Organized religion helps a lot of people experience faith and so in that sense it is a great thing. But there are elements of it (when misutilized by corrupt individuals) that also get in the way of faith and work to divide us rather than unite us.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016

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