Hey guys, so this is new to us since we've never had any infestation before. Ever. bedbugs have invaded our home and my mom has gotten paranoid over them. I've told her we have to crack down and just fumigate our entire home, while her and my dad have been very stubborn and trying to take care of it themselves by spraying tons of chemicals and doing some thorough cleaning. It hasn't worked, we're still finding them on our couch, carpet and even bed still... Anyone else had experiences with these creatures from hell?
I have had an infestation of bed bugs, and they are NASTY business. I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with them. We had professional exterminators (Terminex) try many different bed bug treatments, in addition to our attempts at deep cleaning...and NOTHING works...NOTHING...nada...zilch. You HAVE to fumigate the whole house, and they have to use like 3x the volume/duration of gas, which is like 3x the price of regular termite fumigation. Good luck!
No experience with bed bugs, but I do have experience with fleas. My subletters brought in kittens without my permission and I didn't find out until they had already moved out and went to inspect the place that the entire place was infested with fleas. My roommate and I did some research for household ways to get rid of them. We ended up renting a carpet cleaner and thoroughly vacuuming/shampooing the carpets. Apparently the fleas live in carpets since it's the same environment as the pet fur they came in on. And the water/shampoo from the carpet cleaner is supposed to drown them. After that, to be safe we used these flea "bombs" that we got from Walmart for $10. Pretty much just chemical grenades that douse the entire room in a spray designed to kill them. We came back the next day to air out the apartment and check our progress, only to find our simple solutions barely put a dent into the fleas. Conclusion: Leave this kind of stuff to the professionals.
MANY of my clients have them (along with other small and unwanted critters). I've been told you can wrap the mattress' up in plastic, but they have to stay that way for like 10 years. What are they eating that they survive 10 years? Other option is toss the beds and start over. As for, if they're in the carpet, clothing, couches, etc, I don't know. But not something to take lightly.
They don't just stay in the beds, couches, rugs, etc. They hide in walls and travel up to 40' at night to your bed, feed, and crawl back home in the walls or attic. You'll never find them all. Have to nuke the house.
Jeezus I had no idea. Hope we never get them. "Don't let the bedbugs bite" after "sleep tight" was always just a cute saying. What cretin thought that up to say to kids before bed?