I just purchased the Creative Cloud. I'm going to be using it while I video blog - I'm studying abroad in India (leaving Sunday) - to keep my photos in one place and to video edit. So I'll mostly be using Premiere and Lightroom, although I might do some Illustrator. Does anyone use the Adobe Creative Cloud? Is it worth it, or is standard iMovie good enough? Any tips or tricks with specifically Premiere/Lightroom? thanks!
I have no clue about Creative Cloud, but safe travels!!! Sounds like a great place to visit. Get out and see as much as possible.
Thanks I will try! If people want me to, I can post my video blogs here. I want to get a lot of footage and produce some great videos for Americans that have no idea what India is like (myself included)
I know I'd love it if you posted your videos and I'm sure every else would too. Looking forward to them and Have fun!
I've got the CC subscription. Primarily for Photoshop and Premiere Pro. But you get access to ALL the Adobe software programs. Only limitation to what you can create is you. As I have discovered.