It shows how great of a game it is that I know which missions you're talking about by name. I did a sidequest the other day randomly thinking I...
It wasn't a deport page it was a page on entry and it went back up as it was hours later. And reports of a fence instead of a wall is not him...
I need a safe space. Btw he said *some* illegals, not all mexicans not all illegals. And "they let you" is the definition of consent. _________...
These racist Trump supporters have run amok! Remember when they said this is what Trump supporters would do after he loses? [IMG] [IMG]
Another fake story
I don't agree with everything he says, I'm more socially liberal than him, but I like a lot of his proposals Veterans...
Sorry brother, I'm just not going stand for being insulted.
I'd like for someone to match the 4 videos I posted with 4 videos of Trump followers violence within the past 48 hours and at least 2 instances of...
Just stating a fact, you're a baby that ignored my videos and tried to side step the argument into another video. And finished off with the...
Good old baby can't handle himself so he resorts to insults (yes I just called you a baby after you insulted me). Ignoring anti Trumper violence...
When confronted with his own side promoting violence they lose their nerve and settle on elitist insulting response such as "why am I bothering,...
You're the one completely ignoring the videos of violence that I posted all because of the newsfeed it may or may not have been on? Unbelievable....
[MEDIA] I'll leave this right here for you
I didn't find these on facebook I found them through news articles. And it doesn't invalidate them at all. It happened. Who incited rallies were...
In the past 48 hours i've seen more attacks on Trump supporters than anything [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Not to mention multiple fake...
I love his 100 day plan:
I don't consider any of those friends that deleted me a loss. Its a little disappointing but I'd much rather not have those people in my life. I...
Heh I had 5 people unfriend me without discussion because I celebrated Trumps victory. This is why they lose people like me from their camp.
An idiot can't take 1 million and increase it 3,700 times over or smash political dynasties like the Bushs and Clintons.
All I have to say is: :Kobejerseypull: