Guys, Lebron gets on my last nerve with his posts... BUT yall should really do your due diligence.... I checked high and low on his official...
I agree, Jim gets all the blame and Mitch / Ryan / Jesse get all the credit. I remember in 2005-2007 just about everyone on Clublakers had it with...
Knicks would have picked Okafor instead of Porzingis if they weren't drafting 4th. Porzingis was a pleasant surprise to a lot of people.
.... Kobe couldn't get you to buy a jersey but Clarkson can? Lmao Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great game Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How about Scott brooks? He actually helped develop 3 all stars and only reason he got fired was because they kind of plateaued. Sent from my...
Hopefully towns ends up being great as well. Then Russell can recruit him to come to LA
Madsen should be terminated for that last play he drew up. I don't care if it's summer league lmao.
Apparently our coach madsen was using summer league to shake the rust off as well
Understood, I feel that he isn't the best coach to have, but if we get rid of him now it would show instability in the franchise. I say we tough...
Overreacting much? It is the summer league, majority of us hardly watched summer league until this season, let alone call for the coaches head...
Lol.. This is hilarious. Guys cmon get ahold of yourselves it's summer league guys. SUMMER LEAGUE.
It's summer league.. This thread should have absolutely no activity Lolll... Don't know how people are criticizing coaching staff for summer...
2nd rounder for embiid hinkie??
If it's the same Vash as cl, I remember him hating jimmy for everything bad and usually being a cup half empty type of guy. Regardless glad the...
I feel he had the pau situation where most of us felt pau still had it but he wouldn't play to his capabilities on the lakers as he was jaded and...
Yes but they broke unwritten rules. I hope Cuban doesn't sign Wes n just tanks
Funny because it's true if he didn't tamper it's possible clippers wouldn't have cp3 to convince deandre
This is comedy as long as Hibbert is ours
Let's cool the jets on the praises and wait. Let's not jinx the guy