Wowowow! Sometimes,, the best decisions are the ones made for you. JJ over this guy (plus her) all day every day x10000.
You are not wrong, and you can go to war with that group. But since you asked: as much as Gabe is contributing, I think we can find a 3&D upgrade...
This Jokic guy is pretty good at basketball.
Well, I am an odd guy. You may not have intended it as a knock on AR, but it kind of is.How many players in the league are putting up 20 / 5 /5...
I don't want to turn this thread into an AD argument thread, but this statement is a hard disagree for me. I disagree with the basic concept of...
I don't think we have lost a game with this kid playing. Anyone have the stat? He brings a certain energy that we haven't had for a while. Not...
Loved that bench dawgs reference.
I lived in Dallas for 12 years, so I have a spot in my heart for all the Dallas sports teams. I was cheering HARD for them last year after we went...
My wife (who likes the Lakers but is still learning the game) tonight: Why does LeBron keep throwing the ball to the other team?
My bad, when you referenced Big Game James, I assumed you meant the year when he was Finals MVP and had the series winning triple double which was...
I wonder if they tried to trade Embiid, if anyone would bite. That's a significant cap hit for a player that is forever injured.
Yeah, two things can be true at the same time. Magic the player = awesome sauce Magic the team president = not nearly so much
I know a fair amount about different cultures and peoples around the world, but I have to admit I am usually confused about that whole region, and...
That was 85. 87 was the Pistons when BGJ went off with the triple double.
Ho hum... just another 23 / 6 / 5 game.
1985 - Lakers finally breakthrough against the C Bags 1972 - Logo gets his long overdue ring 2001 - Most dominant playoff run ever 2009 - Kobe...
Charles Barkley is the only one I can think of after Moses Malone talked to him. He transformed from the Round Mound to a decently fit player....
I'm impressed with the early results of Jax starting. I thought the D would suffer more than it is. He will never be AD on defense, but his youth,...