If I remember correctly, I do not think this matters now because of the draft format. I think the draft is one of the reason why they were able to...
The finals with BeastMode AD this year!?!? Let’s get realistic, Lebron is not putting pressure on the front office by telling the media post game...
This front office has proven that they will wait. The FO has pushed back this supposed "deadline" twice at least so waiting till Jan is definitely...
The Bucks, we barely beat them Friday with Middleton in his first game back. Add some months on his legs and Im concerned. The C-bags like it or...
My point isnt that they lost to good teams with talent. The point is that just because you have 3 star team doesnt promise a title unless you have...
We only lost to the C-bags once in that run, we lost to the NY Knicks and Bucks the other two years.
I am not in the camp that a 3 star model wont work. It has clearly worked in the past for several teams. The problem I think with our 3 star model...
You cant change the rules of your own question because the answer doesnt fit your narrative. OKC had 3 stars and did not win 1 title, exactly as...