17! Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk
One more quarter Laker Fam!
Let's keep this going both on D and O.
Tighten up our 3 point Defense and turnovers we'll be ok. Robinson won that game for the heat finding his rythm. You can live with Butler doing...
Let's go! Got my black cursive Los Angeles number 8 jersey on.
Pathetic effort, need to fix that. We should never lose a game where miami is missing two of it's too players. Looked too complacent from the start.
3 more, gotta get these done one game at a time. Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk
Hope we put this team to bed by Sunday night. Finish it Tuesday. Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk
Less than 2 hours, leggo!
For Mamba
I wasn't expecting a sweep and this was the game to lose but disappointed how we came out. Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk
Gave up once we stopped being aggressive and settling. Defense never showed up either. Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk
I'd say lazy more than anything Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk
Got it to 10 so that's good, with how lifeless we've looked it could be worse. Playing with fire though letting them get confidence. Need to come...
So after the heart attack gotta give props to LeBron. He could have taken the shot but got to draw plays like this up for AD so his confidence...
That attack from AD the best we've done in last 3 mins. Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk
I don't get what we are running here at the end. Eat clock yes but then try and make a play from the three point line with 8 seconds on the shot...
AD filthy but need him in the post more often. Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk
Was just looking to find Laker nation yesterday with the playoffs and all. Sucks that the forum got deleted, did everyone move here?