^ I audibly said " Oh noooo" when i saw AK isolated with Kobe in the corner LOL That's a wrap
Absolutely perfect .gif use LOL
Can someone please remind me of what the initial event was that caused Jason Whitlock to be an unabashed seething Kobe detractor ? I've been in...
"I have this platform and I'm somebody that has a voice of command...." FFS. #STILLNO! I'd rather watch it all burn than root for this guy in...
.... *shakes head* #stillno
I am not unhappy with Russells departure. At. All.
There are only a few things in life that would force me to no longer root for the Lakers no matter where I am on the earth. Signing LeBron James...
Someone please refresh my memory....what exactly was the primary catalyst for ESPN's anti Kobe crusade? I vaguely recall Kobes..former agent (? Or...