Run it back: Bron Kuzma McGee KCP Rondo Caruso New guys: Boogie AD Dudley Green Cook Daniels The Rest: THT Williams Norvell Jr.
McGee AD Bron D Green ????????
Canada day was July 1st, so if he was staying, why not announce then? I'm joking, I know it's hard to not try and read into everything, but its a...
It's just the biggest decision he's every made in his life. No big deal. He should totally rush it.
Nobody knows anything guys! Expecting Woj to know anything and drop a bomb is pretty foolish. He's not in Kawhi's camp. lol
You guys need to relax. Acting as if any news benefits one team or another is just guessing. R-E-L-A-X
How would he know though? He's just speculating. He doesn't "know". I think ANYONE acting like they know is just speculating. No leaks are coming...
No one is making you read anything anyone posts.....
Why should Kawhi hurry just because you're impatient? Players in the past have drawn this out past the 4th. Relax.
The Vegas odds changing only indicates heavy betting is being put towards the Lakers. It doesn't mean Vegas has any inside knowledge as to where...