MVP of the season so far
No news on JR Smith? Thought that was a given he would come. He's an alright shooter and defender for the vet min. Same with Melo thought he was...
Morris is a solid starter. Was one of the most improved C Bags players last season. Hope that we can at least get him. AD-Kuzma-Morris-DG-Lebron...
Would prefer if they just got the best FAs available and dropped the idea of trading for another allstar. We dont need another all star to win...
so we're getting basically the same team as last year plus AD, minus BI and Zo. extremely disappointing
the OKC GM would be murdered if he traded PG and Russ the same weekend
even Rondo had a better 3pt % than KCP last season. 8mill is just absolutely outrageous money for such a below average player. I wish Rich Paul...
KCP 8Mill :Bangbrick4:
very important not to panic move right now, these next few hours will decide if we have a championship calibre roster or not. DG at 15M is...