Ballmer effin' won. And Woj and Momo. I'm sick to my stomach. By tomorrow, Vegas will have that team as the prohibitive favorite. And we...
This works! Thanks!
Any of you guys have free streaming options for the summer league tonight?
My understanding is that the Lakers can't just freely wait. They'll be dealing with the exact same issue that got us all hating on Woj and Momo in...
I actually posted about this yesterday, timed exactly around the time RDAmbition posted something and everyone went crazy. Here it is below. I'm...
He was barely mobile. I stand by my statement.
Anybody remember Doc River's bs about how the C Bags would've won had they had their full team with Kendrick Perkins, conveniently ignoring the...
What's with this "Clippers did everything right" mantra I keep hearing in the media lately? I'm aware that Ballz is paying a lot of money to the...
Look, I know continuing this discussion is a downer and nobody's going to change their minds over this, but as I said previously, Pelinka is to be...
My point is simple. Kawhi already knows the Laker brand and the potentials for his business. He knows what Lebron and AD bring to table. Uncle...
The fact that Kawhi is willing to even consider joining the Lakers has everything to do with business, the presence of Lebron and AD and to an...
My recollection isn't all that great at the moment, having barely slept because I can't stop checking on Kawhi updates, but I believe the guy, who...
It's still out there. Now the Kawhi camp may be so plugged in that they're not paying any attention to that talk but the narrative is still out...
I've been thinking about this weird meeting supposedly set up with Magic and Jeanie. If in fact the point of the meeting was for Kawhi and his...
So doesn't this then preclude Magic from being able to have dinner with Kawhi and his close friend, Jeanie, owner of the Lakers? I get the...
Because Magic's already been communicating with Uncle Dennis, who idolizes Magic.
I think Kawhi is a lot more interested in the pitch from AEG than he or his camp is letting on. Don't know if Lonzo's BBB had any influence on...
Perhaps the main takeaway from all this for Ballmer is to not overestimate the influence Woj or ESPON has on the NBA players. It's just weird how...
[MEDIA] Don't actually mind Carmelo if he were to join the Lakers. If he comes back hungry and wanting to prove his doubters wrong, then that...