Hummer vs Ford
Welcome to the forum :Noddingyes:
I would like this 10 times if I could
Lakers fan drains half-court shot to win $100K [MEDIA]
Even if you eat a couple you at least were a man of his word Pick an amount and take pictures so we all can have fun with it without making you...
Ozempic for the win [IMG]
Agree, not a fan I miss the drive to the basket and dish the ball like Magic used to do Opens up so many avenues to score without living at the...
The thing that I'm impressed with is the hard work he's putting in and not trying to ride on dad's coat strings Will it translate to the NBA?...
That is so sweet To shut up SAS is a real treat
Fawn or black? I grew up with a pug named Pugsy who was a fawn Agree, best dog ever
Even Ox
Wonderful what he is doing Mad respect he has earned it [IMG]