A legit reason to wear big sweaters in Milwaukee lol
I thought he put a good numbers in the G league. I bet he gets another chance next year and doubles down on the effort.
Planets aligned
But leave thread here lol
Imagine his disappointment. Like seeing a mirage of water in the desert, only to end up more thirsty than before. Brutal.
I want to pile on, but I’m happy he has his priorities straight. He cares more about being ready for the rest of the season.
Fake support for the situation Jay. Sorry I call BS. 2 bedrooms in the same unit makes more sense. Separate condos on separate floors? Pass.
from a good friend of mine, MAVS fans LOVE Max. They aren't giving him up for nothing. He's easing the pain of the Lufa loss. Too bad the rest of...
way to keep the positive thinking going kid enjoy it while it lasts, because you just never know
Like Kawhi? Or PG? :Noddingyes:
Also, we are a good home team but very average road team. We have lots of room to improve if we are to be a serious contender.
This thread will be very entertaining to come back and read many years from now
I blame Lufa Doughcic
The downside of exceeding quota is real.
#exposed I felt naked out there
Keeps him humble
Skid marks in your BVDs maybe
Pimple, is that you?
[ATTACH] Lots of complaining pictures of him online haha
Not sure we are doing updates any longer on these since it's been a minute, but found myself making some during the game while we were getting...