The best team Cleveland ever had didn't have Lebron on it. :ShaqOh2:
no one can replace Russ. No one. :Kobe Snickering:
:ADnaughty: I think you are thinking of someone else. I have actually been supporting, but think he needs to mix in a steak once in awhile. I...
if we had 10 of him, I think our record would be a little worse. Just spitballing here
Kid will get there. JJ will stay in his ear and tell him to keep shooting. Slumps happen, but great shooters always figure it out.
how's his ball handling?
we drafted him as a favor to his Dad may he RIP.
He's been asked to play a role that isn't his game. He needs pick and roll to be a major part of what he does to be effective. He can run more of...
way too early for that mess
I think defense is our number one issue actually
You're fond of the white players too? Weirdo. QWO-TAH Max two decent ones. Only the bench after that.
meh, maybe he only got up for OKC. I don't see it lasting. You don't throw up those stat lines along with one good game and say it's better. No way!
Everyone is relieved he's gone. The only disappointment will be if he returns.
he needs to be someone's spark off of the bench, but he's not really a starter. At least not for what we need. I just don't see it.
AD: our goal is not to lose back to back games all season Proceeds to lose 4 in a row. :ADeyeshift: Crap. Wrong thread. Welllll....... It...
time to shake up the starting lineup
two weeks til the two weeks, and then two more weeks.
Kobe's secret son or not, if you don't produce, you won't play.
surprisingly he's basically a non factor feels like we got duped by Miami once again.
rookies on the road, not surprising Hopefully he gets his mojo back at home