Heard in the broadcast that Finch was vocal regarding Dillingham needing to get better in some stuff (they didn't specify) so I imagine he's...
Yeah great read. It's the same with the stat that we had more wins when Kobe shot less and more losses when he shot more. It happened because when...
Absolutely. The level of high level basketball was visible throughout the night. It's night and day compared to Ham. Really enjoyable
Yeah, it was a game where it was visible he was a bit behind physically comparing to his standards. He missed 2 or 3 layups just for lack of...
Positives: AD. He's going to be so dominant this year. It's his team. Rui was great too. Team effort on the glass, defense and overall execution....
He looks weird. I imagine he may be convinced he's getting traded. Maybe JJ set up the team to rely more on Reaves, expecting that we will have...
First 3 plays in NBA: - knocks a long 3 - passes to a dunk in a P&R - drives to the basket in transition and finishes with a layup Really...
Cool moment and well managed by the staff. Curious to see what happens in the next couple games
Yeah I'm not considering Vando anymore. It's like he's out of the roster. If he, at some point, gets healthy it will feel like getting someone in...
Max and Knecht will play a ton at the 3 too. DLo and Reaves should play 30-35. Gabe, Max and Knecht around the 20s It's a 9 man rotation, so 4...
What you pay for the internet isn't given to the pages you access, it's only for the internet provider. How do you expect Athletic to pay for...
That's a great shout, he really is. Like him even more now ahah
Agree too! The gravitas a shooter like him has is wonderful for our stars. But it's something that takes time. He has to be elite in off ball...
I think we should temper expectations on Knecht. He was an insanely good draft pick at the position and will be an asset during the year, for...
It's an interesting case. I'm all for gender equality, but in sports it's ridiculous. And specifically to the NBA and WNBA, it's literally a share...
We have the least back 2 backs in the league. Most teams have like 15. I would guess teams and players would prefer to have a 2 week longer...
Great stuff!!! Kudos to management for acting quick and making the right call without hesitation. Now, this kid is ahead of JHS in the pecking...
Lonnie Walker cut by the C Bags. Yikes. I think he's learning Mandarin at this point
Our problem is not waiving. Is that we are like 45k below the 2nd apron, so if we waive and sign someone, we will be above and have harsher...