This series is another reminder that Lebron is just a very good NBA player right now, he isn’t the destroyer of worlds he was 10 years ago...
It was really cruel that Murray hit that game winner over AD and most likely sunk us. AD has been great this series and deserved some kind of miss...
KCP is a good player, but he is hardly going to change the current predicament. In all honesty, how much of an upgrade would he be to Prince?...
It’s been a real disappointing season so far, like Sirron I’ve been a bit apathetic in watching. Every time I tune in, it’s like the team just...
I’m finding it hard to get into this season. The team just seems a bit lethargic and apathetic to begin. But I'm happy for Cam, he has the tools...
I’d love to get Jrue, he is an ideal piece next to Lebron and AD. Jrue / Vincent Reaves / Christie Vanderbilt / Reddish Lebron / Prince AD / Wood...
I feel like Duncan is really overvalued. Those last few rings in his twilight years have really changed the story from being around that Steph...
Top 4 offensively alongside Cap, Wilt and Shaq. My bad for leaving Wilt out. Hakeem showed during his career that if you have him an all star...
There’s not much you can do about AD’s renewal. He deserves it with his play and potential. Here’s to hoping he stays healthy!
I don’t see anything wrong with the comments on Hakeem. I think defensively he is as good as AD at his best, and offensively he is top 3?...
The assumption is we get another close to him player. As an example, I think if we had Mike Conley, we have the same result. Now, no DLO at all,...
Yeah that’s nice he hit those three 3’s in a row. But at the same time, he was 4/11 before that and 0/5 from three. If he actually plays to his...
Was he though? He has only two good games in the playoffs by my reasoning. The close out game against Memphis and game 3 blow out against the...
Kobe lived a short but legendary life. I’m sure most of his loved ones would trade his championships for him back though…
I didn’t know he had it like that! Damn coach
I don’t know if we make it to the conference finals. It’s a tough question to answer. I probably say no - however if we still carried out the Rui...
Can’t argue with this point, it’s totally spot on. Giving Reaves more of the wheel was big. I just think a lot of our end of regular season and...
Great find, him and Colin are going to outplay many drafted guys.
I saw a team improve when AD and Lebron got healthy for the first time since the bubble. Our mid season acquisitions are talked up but; Bamba...