Arenas has the worst takes .. In what world Booker is between the 13th best and 24th best American player and Butler between the 25th best and 36...
It has been since 2002 Team USA can't stay unbeaten against the rest of the world with C teams ...
USA players can't box out .. Lithuania nicely exploited the lack of size of Team USA on switches and rolls to the basket . Not enough Cam Johnson...
France's "ballhandlers " couldn't deal with the defensive pressure , nothing new here . Collet inexplicably sat De Colo to start the 3rd and...
Lakers don't want to rebuild when Bron is gone . We'll see if the presence of AD will attract another superstar when this extension kick in ..
Yeah Vincent was bad against the Heat too .. Small PG get exposed in the playoffs soon or later Lakers need to go back to the 2020 without PG...
The flaws of a person get worse and worse as the person gets older ...
Almost every star is getting injured and at the worst times Even Giannis and Tatum couldn't stay healthy in these playoffs .
If Bontemps knew anything about ball , he would know a team can get better with some continuity and improvements of some young players ... Our...
Heat and Lakers offenses are not exactly the same ... more passes and more "balance" in the Heat one . Gabe's USG rate will go down with the...
Austin should fire his agent right now .
Lillard is one the worst defenders at his position ...
His development as a POA defender will be key with the loss of DS
We'll miss his defense and toughness . One of the best minimum contracts of all time . I guess Lakers acknowledge the fact he was a problem for...
Good signing , another capable wing
Slightly overpaid but then I saw Bane and Haliburton contracts :rofl::rofl::rofl:
A midget who can't defend and won't be as good as he was offensively in a non Heat environment . Hopefully I will be wrong but it's a bad signing imo
DDV complained about his PT with the Warriors .. Not the 1st guy I would want on the Lakers
Bruce Brown is a solid role player who doesn't need the ball to be effective . Would be a great addition