if we don't bring back beasley I wouldnt mind giving walker another contract. Im not interested bringing back brown either
he should've got his chance much sooner, beasley 3pt rep isnt worth the hassle to deal with his slump
it worked
he was bad again in 2nd half
forget his O, his D on klay is worse...klay is getting hot n early
as a star this pattern is alarming
how does a star has peaks n valleys like ad gm to gm
dump beasley and mo
we should look to bring brolo back
I am subscriber to your youtube channel, unless thats a different JSM :Laugh:
could use him to contain looney but would take away from AD at C
I'm just hoping we dont get posioned pill, just give reaves his max, cant afford to lose young talent
Poole is on Brooks lvl trolling, hes fortunate he has that 3ball otherwise his game is rough
we aint got time to coddle beasley anymore if he couldn't even get right in that garbage time in gm 6, why even bother? whatever we get from...
his effort was legit doesn't mean more cant be expected
3 straight O reb, he could try harder
no more beasley mins...hes learning
hes making curry work but still need more from vando
the o reb by wiggins was all AR, he couldnt body up wiggins
yes his 3s are so predictable n so bad