How is that for optimism? :)
Something tells me Schröder may take on that role for this specific game and opponent.
Sounds encouraging. If any Laker can return ahead of schedule, it's Bron. Just please for the love of my sanity avoid further injuries in the...
Kobe will probably remain my favorite player forever and as much as I admire him for it, he was wrong to play through all those injuries. He cut...
I seem to qualify :P. Haven't ever played the game and just finished the show yesterday. What I liked the most - the main characters, the acting...
I was optimistic when the news broke we were getting DLO, Vando and Beasley. Never in my wildest dreams could I have predicted them to fit this...
The only thing worse than signing Kyrie would be giving the max to Draymond. I am pretty sure the Lakers have learned from their previous mistakes...
So true. It seems like people who like to harp on AD so much have forgotten the taste of the rebuilt. There are not so many players who give you a...
All of this, plus the Kobe efect. We were spoiled by the Black Mamba, and nobody will live up to his standard. A guy falling down repeatedly and...
Completely agree on that one.
I'm not ready to give up on Beasley just yet. Yes he hasn't shot well for us yet, but his gravity is still very helpful and if / when he's on,...
So you are telling me you'd rather have Wilt than AD? The guy who played any defense for like one season during his entire career? As great as...
Makes me wonder if he's still so happy to be a clipper. Maybe it's time to show his off-court magic in the locker room.
Thank yoy @The Showtime Mamba, that was some truly deilcious doom!!!!
We need a dislike button. AD has been fantastic recently, hopefully he can stay healthy for the reminder of the season. It seems Bron is not...
Soft tissue beta strikes again.
You're truly a treasure Cookie :THT Heart Hands:
Sounds like a lot of fun :)! Thanks in advance, this should be a pretty epic doom session lol
Could we maybe get some clipper doom pretty pretty please? :Hungryfordoom: