I think they signed him because of his increase in fastball velocity and also spin rate on all his pitches. Dodgers love that. He trained at...
Of course I say all this and he proceeds to shoot 1/9 lol.
Anyone else notice his shot from 3 looks so good this year? I can’t really describe it; it looks so pure, like it has the same angle and rotation...
I didn't catch the game, but I noticed Jokic didn't put up great numbers at all, yet I thought we potentially could have gotten murdered out there...
Who needs to find a 3rd star when we've already got one.
Man I just watched a few highlights from early last season and the season before, and I miss the fans so much. All the OHHHHHHs every time LeBron...
Yeah brain fart.
Eh, these losses happen. Remember the #1 seeded dominating Kobe/Shaq Lakers lost soundly against the 17-win Bulls? TWICE??!! Yeah, I'm not too...
Not worried at all. He's still playing fearlessly, and that's incredible to see in a 20 year old with limited games. Dude is relentless. He has...
I know we want to count out the Nets because F Harden, but the key here is who the Nets kept that have high upside and can fill in their new roles...
Man, Trez and THT probably have the quickest hands when scoring under the basket. If they were the moles in a whack-a-mole game, they would never...
Jason Kidd and Kenyon Martin Nets. :D
For all the talk of losing defense and height over the offseason (myself talking included), defensively we currently rank: #1 in points allowed...
I'm fairly confident it'll happen well before then, probably in the next month or two. I'm glad Adam Silver is doing the right thing and not...
Keep collecting those 2nd round picks!!
Yeah I expect the first 20 some odd games for Vogel to use weird lineups but eventually sticking to what works more and more until playoff time.
Yeah with all things being equal, I just don't see where he can get a lot of minutes. Could depend on matchups though. Also if we have enough...
So I haven't been able to follow how much money teams are spending lately, but with COVID-19 hurting businesses and sinking a lot of MLB money and...
THAT HELP DEFENSE THO! The key was AD rushing out to the corner. Just instincts. Most teams would have already given up. And then the pesky...
I wonder how many 2nd round picks we could get...