Terrible shooting tonight but was one assist away from a 17 point triple double. The important thing is that he led them to victory with a strong...
His name is embedded in the center of the other name Sir ronstu ff
What we are doing with our shooters is the equivalent of signing Rodman and then having him stand and wait for corner threes. They did this last...
By that standard you could take any mediocre player and give them the ball and they would convert them into points. Kobe during the year the...
I get needing to capitalize on what is likely LBJ's last couple years of elite play. I have no problem with those who say things like "we had no...
Considering 7 seasons of winning at 44% isn't a large enough sample... I'm not sure what might qualify. :Adlaughing: But yes I'll agree the...
My takeaway was what I had suspected all year round. Of course we need LBJ and AD healthy to win a title, however... most of the team is stunted...
You can disagree with the philosophy intellectually and still root for your team. I can see the benefit from having AD... it's clear the results...
AD wasn't winning either until he was teamed up with LBJ. Apparently people have forgotten that the kids were 3rd in the Western conference with...
Lakers record without AD this season .750. "Not only would I trade Lonzo, BI, Hart, #4 plus two future picks... but I would gladly throw in...
Makes perfect sense to me. Means they have a mean streak/killer instinct... means they don't lose concentration or take nights off.
I would never advocate violence on the internet... but when we were contemplating taking Solomon Hill back along with the Godfather offer... Yes,...
Do you think if I simply said Ingram is not a fringe all star that anyone would believe it? I wish that's all I'd need to say but the stubborn...
I wonder if I looked at the history of people's posts whether I'd read comments like Ingram is a bust... slowly rising to Ingram will be a decent...
Personally I want to keep the shooters... especially Daniels. But if we aren't going to use them, I suppose trading is better than letting them...
Trying to figure out how to retort to "AD hurt his butt crapping bigger than BI. discuss." without saying anything about BI.
Made me wonder if having young players has paid off in the past title years. 1972 - Jim McMillian starting SF, 3rd leading scorer 19 PPG, 23...
It's actually one of the more sensible things he's said. Ingram had a full quarter to tie AD for triple doubles in a career. (Needed those two...
Ingram scores 29 with 8 rebounds and 11 assists leading the Pels to a victory over the Bulls without Jrue or Zion. Didn't shoot particularly well...
It has a domino effect when you lose an important game and you let down an entire city. I think once you win a title, you can relax somewhat...