He got small at the end of the game. They should’ve had AB in instead. He knows how to move without the ball to create bailout opportunities....
How could Coach rob Dudz of this game saving opportunity. Smh
But not the legs.
I don’t know what to think of him. He was ball hogging to pad stats, but that’s not a surprise if you want to be called up.
That was tight. Never seen someone joke like that. It adds to the entertainment. I wonder if that will be copied or if someone will do their own...
LeBron is killing it. I hope he saves something for the playoffs, but gotta be impressed by what he’s doing, which goes beyond his numbers. A...
What does Lavar have to say about that? I’m sure he would disagree in the cause.
This just sucks. This is the only part of the expectations, or hopes, for the season that is not working out. I thought playing for USA...
Maybe he is the second coming of AC Green. That’s who he reminds me of at least.
You could see this coming for the young guy. High motor. Good luck.
That’s going to be on management and coaching to correct while he is here.
[Insert Vasashi stats and word play here]
OK, I’ll give it a shot: Cross out the common denominator “A”, you’d have CBD. It works too.
I like that he willingly joins a skirmish. Rodmanesque.
Cacock has a serious motor. He’s hungry for some NBA money.
I enjoyed Vash the word play King. It’s a championship year, he should be extended a mulligan. Like Dwight.
Hair. Otherwise, I don’t see anything he is not as good at doing from the past. 17yrs in the league will take obvious hits to your body. But he...
I don’t see how this happens seeing as how Phil Jackson was regularly snubbed because people expected him to win with Kobe and Shaq. They will...
On a few of those in real time I remember feeling KCP was scared to take the layup. I just feel like you take the layu when it’s so close and...
I don’t recall seeing someone big, short, long, and ball handler. This is unique. Only Barkley comes to mind.