I don't think he's ever going to be an elite defender unfortunately, but if could just improve and become proficient on defense then score 20+ @...
Grrr really want him to return now that Davis is on board.
Agreed, much better overall than Lonzo's form but definitely not optimal. It's going to be hard for him to ever sniff the NBA thanks to his...
Is Wade retiring? I know he took vet min last season, wouldn't mind him at all, especially if we grab another star player. Definitely do not want...
Honestly Lamelo might end up surprisingly good.. he shot up to 6'7" in height, has PG skills and has a semi-proper release/jump shot. Think he...
Melo is soft and weak minded.. he gave us some battle in the playoffs 40 yrs ago as a nugget, that was the highlight of his career. Would take...
Man I can't stand the C Bags... just watching that video gets my blood pressure up. Can't wait to tea bag them again one day.
Only 26 too... sure is nice to have a legit star that isn't past their prime. It's been a long time since we've had a player this good and this...
I wanted to like him, I think he's a good kid in a bad personal situation with that reality show lifestyle. Time is on his side, he's away from...
Has he fixed that garbage jump shot yet? Oh okay, fire sale.
Gross, definitely do not want CP3. Didn't even want him in his prime to be honest.
Is Klay a legit option? I really like him for this team honestly..
Haha.. when his daughter literally mugs that white girl and and takes the ball. That's a decent highlight reel for a 12yr I must say... very cool.
That's a good point.. injuries that can definitely slow him down too. That's why his jump shot is such a negative, it's fine when you're young and...
Sold the farm to bring him here.. have to exploit his qualities and get this team winning. His defense, lack of urgency to close games and take...
So proud of the guy.. he's a walking business conglomerate just killing it with everything he touches. G.O.A.T.
Phil returns to coach home games and post season, Luke handles road games and becomes assistant. Seriously though, I can't choose a replacement...
Ya 15/0 from here out and finish 46/36 and the Jazz just need to play .500 ball or worse 8/8 and they finish 45/37. We got this, aint no thang.
Lol look at all the defenders he drew.. man I miss that footwork, what a fun time to be a Lakers fan that was.
Loads of bull s*** management.