The Bucks are done... they can’t score.
Low basketball IQ... horrible free throw shooter for a guard (not Lonzo bad but bad) and poor shot selection.
Something about Brogdon is not right... can’t put my finger on it. He shoots a high percentage from the line, from 3 and plays elite defense....
The bolded part made me spit out my drink! Dude that is funny!
C’mon now Khmrp we all know that the technical term for poop fetish is “Lakers Fan”...
Vas, I usually agree with your take but Magic shouldn't have spoken out like he did unless he intended harm to the franchise that he professes to...
Sorry I did miss it. Well, that's dumb. No one will want to come here. Front office stability is so vital because it is already hard enough to...
Thank you for this great summation of how I feel. Magic acts like a petulant child... I guess that's what happens when one is coddled their entire...
Just finished watching the Bucks Raptors game and I liked the adjustments Nick Nurse made on Giannis. Great to limit his offensive impact. Guy...
I like your confidence in Portland. However, in both ECF and WCF the team that has gone up 2-0 has won the series 91% of the time. I actually...
What’s a “one lotion”? She’s got talent I see!!!
Hefner wanted her for what?! Playboy?!! Just the thought makes me... :Kobepuking::Kobepuking::Kobepuking::Kobepuking::Kobepuking: That gets 5...
Remember Tatum invented the jumpshot so there’s that...
I agree. If IT factor means he’s like Isaiah Thomas that he chucks and plays no defense I can get behind that comparison...
Who are you talking about who’s a legit 3 point threat? RJ Barrett?! He’s a horrible shooter and it definitely is a weak point he’ll need to work...
I’m reading some the posts and to you guys must be wishful thinking if your pick is the Blazers. What the Blazers showed against the Nuggets will...
So is Caruso’s hairline...
I think it comes down to money and branding. He didn’t feel like he was getting the endorsements in San Antonio that he would get in a bigger...
What a crazy end to the Toronto game!!!
Looking forward to Curry vs. Curry! Should be a fun series. I really Zach Collins. He’s going to be really good in this league.