Hey i start serious topics. It's not my fault this is the kind of stuff that gets the most response for my posts from you guys.
It was a huge deal. I was on Realgm the information came to me, i was not looking. I was not even looking for the fact that Aron Baynes having a...
You cannot show LeBron's tiny penis on this site but his poop is okay?
From jaywalking and hookers to a talk about race. We on a wild ride here.:Byronfistfight: Welcome to the random controversial topics fight thread.
Assuming they can provide a stable stream... More diversiy of announcers. Announcers for beginners, jock sniffers, hardcore hoop fans.. etc Less...
Her exterme attitude feels so cringe today...
Are you sure ownership would not do it to sell a lot of merch and other commercial reasons?
The press was fine wtih him doing it to a city that he humiliated once why would they care if he would do it to LA?
I doubt Kobe could treat him like Blatt was treated. Unless you get Pop he will have higher status than his coach and the press will take his side...
How about now?
[MEDIA] Rubin Report.
You gonna pitch Kawai that he can play the Terminator in the next Terminator sequel?
There are douchebags who coexist with coaches and there are douchebags who can't. LeBron can't. The was majority of recent champs respected their...
Being a LeBron type douche has bigger price in the Alpha Conference.
Spo is good as he proved without him and he could rely on Pat Riley backing him. If Pat does not come down on Spo's side Spo gets screwed. Blatt...
I got your answer Weezy. Mistaken post.
He ignores coaches if he can. In almost every championship team the coach is in charge or at least has a lot of respect from the best players.
You legit hate the Cavs or just Lebron?
I stopped reading his twitter a long time ago. It's not more embarrassing than the current state of media and academia. I hope this continues, i...
They gonna be used to rob someone blind. Presti is the OG. Don't sleep on them.