Nash was a warrior for most of his career. His physical gifts pale (no racism intended) in comparison to so many other players. By virtue of this...
I recently had a fever dream that Paul George had forced the OKC trade so he could recruit Wesbrook Undercover Brother style to the Lakers. Both...
I agree with the clear and true observations posted about how Deng took the money and sat. Unprofessional, while we tried to turn a corner he...
Both jobs involve sublimating your self-respect to feed and appease the ego of the King. At least ESPN has relative stability.
Lol, no doubt. Adjusted for inflation it might even be enough to feed Latrell Sprewell's family. :Fishwink:
Jordan will convince him by showing Howard the Kwame statue due to be unveiled in Charlotte. It is a conceptual piece that is not a full statue,...
3-5, Great players find great excuses for why they lose. Or ESPN does it for them. We have been assailed by some straight up next level Joseph...
I ain't gonna lie, I don't have the antipathy and disdain for Lavar several posters have. I think he has done a lot of right things as a parent,...
Enough of this Holden Caulfield, Catcher in the Rye revisionism. Everything you wanted to know about Derek Fisher, you could see on the...
As a preemptive measure, ESPN reports Cleveland stores have had shelves cleared of all excuses in case Lebron is swept. Back orders have been made...
My question is when are they going to hook him up to some monitors and do a sports science episode on Lavar's parenting? :Shaqwink:
Little known fact, you can take any random NBA talent scout, and turn them into a top bartender. They will mix a rum and coke, and use the exact...
Never, never underestimate the power of Mike Brown's ineptitude. This is the man that got fired shortly after losing eight pre-season matches. To...
Ron's oddball sense of humor making him sound like the Panda Fried.
Is this the regime that kept Deng alive, or took years off his career like a blowtorch on a prayer candle?
Inconceivable how Deng keeps hitting rock bottom, and finding the mining equipment to go deeper. Sounds like our veteran had the (Derek) Caracter...
I consider Lebron the best ever because, he makes his teammates better. He is the goat as his magical ability to bleat to his enthralled media...
Or as Charles Barkley calls them at weight watchers, his "protein energy slabs"
Yes, somebody that gets it you are absolutely right here. If you are thinking the show is literally about zombies, you are missing a lot of...
If his son is just half as good as his father says he is, we need to give him a slither of the franchise and a preemptive father and son statue....