Again, to me, given their size & abilities, both Ball & Russell are capable of being adequate defenders. You don't need a shut down PG defender...
I'm a huuuuge USC homer who hates the Bruins with a burning passion, so I'm not evaluating Lonzo from the perspective of a homer. With that out...
It'll be on ESPN radio live if you're able to stream:
Just take the best player available. IF we land PG later and have too many swingmen, we'll have a nice asset for later. Bottom line, it's a...
As if I needed yet another reminder that I care far too much about this silly basketball team, my stomach is tied up in knots today. The lottery...
I'm famous!
Both lefties, too.
I should have been more clear. I see a lot of Kidd in Ball's offensive game. Kidd was lightyears ahead on D for sure.
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Disagree. He's a unique prospect, but the more I study him, the more I see Jason Kidd with a much better jumper (coming out of college, at...
Agree with a lot of what you said. I'd be elated to land any of these 4 players. I'm just glad they're giving Fox a good hard look. This team...
After a few pages of searching, I couldn't spot a "Draft Talk" thread, so I figured I'd start one. If there's one I missed, please feel free to...
Again though, I even said he's going to get max money & deserves it. I can just see a lot of reasons why you don't want to tie up $30+...
I don't follow the logic of "Mozgov got way overpaid, so PLAYER X deserves this much". The Lakers made a mistake with that contract. Other teams...
Their decision is interesting. I could see the case for drafting Isiah's down-the-road talented young replacement who you're locking in at a low...
You say that as if Indy has all the leverage here. They don't. PG is a free agent after next season, and the Lakers don't need to be bent over...
Exactly what I was going to respond with, you smart devil. If Indy moves PG, it's for a total rebuild. They're going to want young inexpensive...
Yep. He's just a flat-out fantastic player entering his prime. He's also a go-to guy that we don't have. Gotta go get him if he can be landed for...