3 yrs/ for 20 mill is a BARGAIN... and we let him go... If the response to that is resigning Hill and/or Boozer... I swear... I'm jumping on the...
LOL, Ed Davis to Portland. This FA offseason just keeps getting better and better. *Starts listening to Rock Bottom by Eminem*
Amare, Wade, Kobe + the DeLorean time machine to get these guys in their prime... *rolls eyes*
We'll be providing cap relief for those teams. Total salary dump for Indy and GS right into our cap room... especially Indy if they're still...
Hibbert is an expiring K and if you can revive his defensive prowess then I'm sold on that. Lee? Ugh! But whatever... Beggars can't be choosers.
Hey... when's the meeting with Boozer?
I read that article and it's a well thought-out piece by Ding. Now some other media hack out there will take to twitter and spin it as "Nobody...
Field a competitive team and the FA's will come. At this point the Lakers are a big question mark. Give a year to Russell / Clarkson / Randle...
Max for Monroe? LOL... dodged a bullet there. I'd take the guy but not for the max.
Ugh! Just stop already. We're just being used for leverage. Again. All aboard the Robin Lopez hype train!
DJ wants touches. They just added Pierce AND Stephenson. He aint' seeing that ball on the offense unless it's a lob.
Monta + Rondo in Sac means Boogie would want out by the trade deadline. Go for it Vlade! :D
Where are NOLA and CLE getting all this cash??? So much for "small market teams" unable to compete with the likes of the Lakers.
This time the tables have turned. He pays the tax and the Lakers get a portion of it. :D
Boston stuck in the same loop again this offseason: hoarding role players.
No one wanted to go to Phoenix until they became a fringe playoff team the last couple of seasons. It's just a matter of putting a good product...
Dang! How much more "stars" does the Chosen One need to help him bring a trophy to Ohio. Gilbert must be emptying up his whole $$$ stash. But I...
#3. Cavs owner - who now fields a team full of stars in a "small market" team, and wrote letters in Comic Sans MS - jumpstarted that whole thing....
Dan paying the tax while we have cap and getting a piece of the tax money. What goes around comes around. So much for being a "small market"...